Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

September, Year 7, 1892.

Suggested listening: Limboland (The Velveteers), Bang Bang Bang Bang (Sohodolls).


    There was little left in my life that I looked forward to. At least, that I entirely looked forward to. Most things that brought excitement also brought pain or sadness. In a way, I suppose that was for the best. Better to not be so optimistic that my expectations for things spiral out of control.

    Today was one of those half good, half bad sort of days. My final year at Hogwarts, after a bumpy start only two years ago. I think, with all things considered, I am actually looking forward to it. But the excitement is not alone. With that emotion comes a plethora of others. I am sad, anxious, fearful above all else. The train would take me away in a few short hours, my last ride towards the school that I considered my home. In a short year, the real challenge of my life would begin.

    My bags sat, packed and ready, by the door of the room I rented this summer. Celia, the black cat that had taken a liking to me, swished her tail against one of the bags. She looked up at me, as if to say do not put me in one of these things. Little did the cat know, I was hiding a small cage in the bathing room just for her to be put in. Celia was one of the few things this summer that gave me a sense of purpose, and she was good for me. We both disliked most people but found that we tolerated each other, which was a proper win in my mind.

    I grabbed the little coin purse I kept by the door and walked through the dingy inn towards the back exit. I nodded at the young boy whose parents owned the inn.

    "Hi Max. Got a match I can borrow?" I ask the boy. He eyes me wearily, but manages to find one tucked away in the drawer of the desk he sat at.

    "Mum said I can't give them out for free anymore. She said you take advantage of us," he said, withholding the little match that I needed. I open my coin purse, pulling out a two pence coin for the boy. As soon as he saw the coin, he dropped the match into my open hand.

    "Thanks, Aislynn. I have to admit, it will be weird to not see you roaming around here. Where are you headed next?" the boy asks. I pocket the match before shrugging.

    "Dunno. Probably Scotland, have some family up in the Highlands. Although, maybe I'll just rent out a nicer room in London."

    Max scowls as I say that. He opens his mouth to retaliate, but I am already headed out the back door and into the alleyway behind the inn and pub next door. I look for a dry spot along the walls outside, before pulling out the match and pitifully rolled cigar. Striking the match on the wall, I light the cigar and take a long, slow drag of it. The smoke fills my lungs, and I feel the weight lifted from my shoulders. The stress of going back to school has been in my mind for the last week, and smoking seemed to be the only thing giving me a bit of respite from it.

    The back door to the pub swings open, and a young man walks out. I don't know his name, or really even how old he is, but I know him. We have shared many cigars and, on a few more recent occasions, drunken late night kisses in the alley. I never let him up to my room though, and he has long stopped asking.

    He nods my way. "I take it today will not be a good day then, eh? Barely morning and you are already at it."

    I extend the half smoked cigar his way, but he puts his hands up in protest. "Can't start my day with that stuff. Have had to limit myself to evenings only," he says, offering a small smile.

    I shrugged. "I guess I don't see you much besides the evenings."

    He nods. I watch him as he fidgets with his apron for a moment. "Are you off, then? You mentioned it last week, but now seeing you here in traveling clothes makes me actually believe you."

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