Two- Harper

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If there's anyone in the CET who would dare to disagree with my plan, it's Phoenix. So, when he challenged me during Jameson's meeting, it wasn't exactly surprising. Holding back my frustration in the moment, I patiently waited for this opportunity. He was reluctantly assigned to assist me personally for this mission-it was part of my plan. Mia and Alex would work together, and Phoenix and I would investigate different directions. But this wasn't just about the investigation; it was time to teach him a lesson. I had asked him to come to my office at 9 in the evening, and as the clock struck 9:05, he had already invited danger.

When Phoenix entered my office and casually took a seat, his arrogant demeanor only fueled my irritation. Without hesitation, I reached for the dagger at my waist and greeted him by pressing it against his throat. Someone had to show some hospitality, after all.

"Harper, I'm neither a criminal nor your enemy. Is this how you welcome people?" His voice was strained, his fear palpable. And I couldn't help but revel in it. He looked stunning that way.

"Welcome to my office, Phoenix. Perhaps now you'll think twice before questioning my decisions," I asserted, pushing the knife a little closer, and asserting my dominance.

"Harper, I was only trying to suggest what's best for all of us," he protested weakly.

Before I could say another word, he moved with lightning speed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me onto his lap. My back pressed against his chest, the dagger still at my throat, his other hand dangerously close, his lips mere inches from my ear. My mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions.

"Harper, if you think I'll let you commit to anything without careful consideration, you're mistaken, darling," he whispered, sending shivers down my spine, simultaneously infuriating and enthralling me.

"How dare you-" I attempted to break free, but his grip tightened, leaving me torn between wanting to push him away and reveling in the proximity.

"Phoenix, you're inviting danger!" I snapped, landing a hit in just the right spot and pinning him to the floor, my knee on his chest and hand around his throat. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to throttle him.

"You're not the only one who can be outrageous, you know," he retorted, flipping the situation, pinning my hands above my head, his touch tracing my neck. I hated him with every fiber of my being.

"Phoenix!!" I shouted, and he released my hands, allowing me to push myself up from the floor, seething with anger.

As he got up, casually dusting off his clothes, he extended his hand towards me. The nerve of him, expecting me to accept his help after what just happened. With a huff of frustration, I ignored his outstretched hand and attempted to stand on my own, but in my hurry and rage, I twisted my ankle.

"Ow!" I winced, feeling the sharp pain shoot up my leg. Suddenly, I found myself pressed against him once again, my face buried into his chest, his arms instinctively wrapping around me in a surprisingly comforting embrace. Despite my anger, there was an undeniable warmth in his touch that sent a shiver down my spine.

Was it a bad day for me? Or perhaps, just perhaps, it was turning out to be unexpectedly romantic. But it wasn't supposed to be romantic with the person I hated after all!

As I winced in pain, Phoenix's arms tightened around me protectively. Without a word, he scooped me up effortlessly, his touch surprisingly gentle as he lifted me off the ground. I couldn't help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions coursing through me-frustration at his audacity, yet a strange sense of comfort in his arms.

He carried me over to the couch in my office and gently lowered me onto it, his touch sending a tingling sensation through my body. As he knelt down beside me to examine my ankle, I couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected tenderness in his actions. Who knew the Cyber expert had such medical skills too?

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