Part 63

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Jin had to stay calm at all cost at that moment. Everyone was looking at Jin hoping for him to come up with a good idea.

"Hyung think calmly. Don't pressurize yourself. We still have time left. I don't think Kang MinYeong will do something until we take a step."

Just then the door opened as Yoongi walked in with a worried face which doubled as he saw the other guys' faces. "what the fuck actually happened? Jungkook said MinYeong was targeting Eunseo then why suddenly Hobi?"

"we're wondering the same thing! And how the fuck he got to know that Namjoon hyung woke up that also today?" Jimin asked. His face held a frown and worry spread all over it for his younger and older one.

"you said you know where they are right?" Namjoon asked.

"yea. Hobi tracked the location this morning." Yoongi said taking out his phone as he tapped on the screen several times before revealing the spot they were in. "It's somewhere in Hannam-dong but it can't be found where the last location was exactly on the map. maybe we have to keep eyes on the houses around it."

"Hannam-dong? But that's a place with high security. How can they take them there?"

"It's Kang MinYeong Namjoon. He can just throw some dollars and that's it."

But was it really Kang MinYeong?

Jin who was silent all the time spoke up, "let's call the guy who called you after MinYeong."

"Who was it though?" Jimin asked.

"Richard Brown." Namjoon said making Jimin's blood boil as he heard the name.

"we need to end these as soon as possible. We have 9 more months left but I want it to finish by the next month. Cause the more we delay, the more it gets easier for them." Jin said making eye contacts with everyone one by one. "where's T-Taehyung?" Jin asked but his voice sounded nervous.

"Iseul asked him to get some sleep. He's in the apartment." Namjoon replied.

"oh.. So you stay here with him cause you need to recover. I, Jimin and Yoongi will start the plan and you just need to call that Richard. Besides, I already asked Sam and he's collecting the informations. We'll probably get to know what they're upto within an hour."

"Hyung I think we should include Jinhee in the plan. I mean.. I'm not saying she will go with us or something but you know, all these years she was with Richard Brown so she must know him better than any of us."

Jin hummed nodding his head. "you'll have to ask him the questions in a way that he'll not get suspicious. I mean.. You gotta ask him something, pointing at something else of what you want to know and in a way that he won't even doubt of what you're actually trying to get outta him. Do you understand?"

"I got it.. So should I call right now?" Namjoon said reaching for his phone.

"no wait. First we have to dicuss it with Jinhee."

"I think I kinda know what they're tryna pull off." Yoongi said leaning against the wall as he crossed his arms over his chest and Jin raised an eyebrow. "maybe they're wanting to make all of us hit them together using Jungkook and Hobi as the excuses. And when we'll be there they'll proceed on their plan. Maybe they're trying to get us all together."

Jin snapped his fingers and pointed at Yoongi while nodding. "that's a good thought... Hmm.. The dots do match if their plan is similar or this."

Namjoon and Jimin flashed some smiles.

"how is Sam even getting the news from there though?" Jimin asked.

"he used to be the second boss there so of course he's got some men of his own."

"but wasn't he declared dead?" Yoongi asked.

"I didn't ask that much but I'm sure he has some loyal people in there."

Ella had just finished explaining everything to YuJin and Jinhee. YuJin, still not being able to believe was just shredding tears with her head hung low and covered half of her face in her palms.

Sookyung too had tears in her eyes but that was covered with the genuine smile she was flashing from ear to ear. The happiness was written on her face and she felt like being on the cloud nine.

Meanwhile, Jinhee was shocked as hell. Never in her life she thought this type of things actually existed like every other movies. But it happened with her so what else proof would she need?

But was it a coincidence that everything matched so perfectly?

Her brother Jimin and Jin; who was her friend's family, ended up in the same orphanage. Eunseo and Jinhee were friends. Kang MinYeong and Richard Brown were connected too.

How could everything be so accurate?

"oh my gosh! I can't believe he is our Jin! He's the Jin we thought we lost! Everything feels like a dream. I'm not sure if I'm awake or not." she sobbed.

"I know, right? I felt the same when I talked to him for the first time after knowing he's actually Kim Seokjin." Ella said.

"So.. That Jin guy is your family?" Jinhee asked.

"not by blood but yeah."

"oh... I think.. I should visit Eunseo."

"she's sleeping." Sookyung said.

"hm.. I'll just take a look."

"ok.. Go ahead."

As Jinhee entered Eunseo's room and saw her tired lying figure her heart ached. Seeing het friend like that wasn't really pleasurable...

Her pretty face which always glowed like the moon, was then under a shadow of sorrows and sadness.

She wondered what might have gotten over her that the Yoon EunSeo who always was cheerful and cheered others up had gone this much silent and upset.

I'll be giving a double update so don't curse already 🩴

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