I arrived on site and found where I would be working from and pulled out all the stuff I would need for both jimin and yoongi. My plan was to try and ignore him to the best of my ability with limited communication about working, and if things get out of hand or he won't stop, go to namjoon. The other stylists arrived not long after me, and we just had a general discussion and also what the plans are for the photoshoot, and the topic of the awards and after-party came up. Of course, all the girls were going, so at least I wouldn't be totally alone they all didn't want to miss out on a piss up.

They members all arrived just gone 6am, all making a beeline straight for me except for one individual who went and sat down on his own and pulled out his phone.

Jimin went and sat on his seat, ready to start, and I got stuck in. Once I got to his hair, he was falling asleep. I was having trouble holding his head up and trying to style it.

He must either be so tired or me playing with his hair is so relaxing that he is nodding. I can't blame him. I love people playing with my hair.

I asked jiha, jungkooks stylist, to just hold his head up while I quickly finished, and she could go back to jk as soon as I was done.

I thanked her, and I was kind of stuck, then once she went back to jk. This was the first time he had fallen asleep while I worked, and I didn't have the heart to wake him. But I couldn't also leave him sat like this he will fall.

I pulled my phone from my bag on the tabletop and texted namjoon, asking for help. I saw him pull out his phone quickly and look up at me. He just chuckled, then stood up and walked up to me and woke jimin and told him to go to the sofa. I would just redo the hair quickly if it needed it before he went out.

I followed jimin to the sofa as yoongi was also sat on there. He lifted his head from his phone when we walked over, stood up, put his phone away, and walked over to the table. All without saying a word.

He let me get on with what I had to do all shift.

Namjoon came to me a few times to see if I was OK

Once I was finished for the day, I packed away, and I left before they did and headed to the car dealerships across seoul. I had spent a good couple of hours looking for something to take my eye.

It was in the second dealership I found her. She was the McLaren 650S Spider convertible 2014 plate brand new in black.

Once everything was signed for, she was mine. I drove her back to my apartment and parked her in the apartments secure parking lot.

I spent the rest of the evening cooking and eating, showered, watching TV, and then I got another early night.


Thursday was uneventful. Yoongi never spoke to me, but I knew he was watching me.

He was watching my movements while I worked on him mainly through the mirror when I was behind him as I caught his eye a few times. He was watching my interactions with everyone of the guys but mainly namjoon.

I didn't really have to do much on jimin and yoongi as it was a styling run-through, and then they went to practice for the Mama awards that evening we would be flying to Hong Kong. I was able to leave just after dinner, I checked my luggage twice to make sure I had everything, and my carry-on had my passport, earphones, etc.

Then went and saw mum and kwan.
I told them I wanted to pop in for an hour before we headed out at 5 pm. to catch our flight.

I decided after the weekend we had and how things were when I walked out. That now was the time I had to explain everything that happened between me and yoongi,

They comforted me while I explained everything from beginning to end.

They didn't know what to say honestly if anything they were angry for how he treated me but they made the promise not to tell Mr and Mrs Min because I didn't want him to know I had told my parents and then come for me again when they have a go at him.

I left at just gone half 3 and got back just before just before 4, I had an hour before. I was picked up to head to the airport, so I just put some music on and waited for sumi to message me that they were nearly outside.

The flight wasn't long, but we arrived at the hotel at 9.55 pm. Hong Kong time. I didn't even bother unpacking. I just grabbed my pyjamas and toiletries, jumped in the shower, and got ready for bed.

Tomorrow was going to be a very long day, but at least I didn't start until 3 pm.

I jumped into bed just before midnight, missing the one thing I wish I had with me. Yoongis t-shirt, but I would never see it again, so I had to get used to living without it and stick to my own pyjamas.

Falling asleep with the excitement of tomorrow's award ceremony, I hope they do well with their performance. i had yet to see it, plus the after party.

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