xxi ━ the eighth

Start from the beginning

Chiron laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow morning at five in the Main House."


REBECCA found out Piper had a duel with a chick called Drew. Piper was now senior counsellor.

Piper and Rebecca celebrated with some cookies, which weren't bad, she liked Pop Tarts.

Rebecca went back to the forest after a couple of Piper's siblings tried to give her a makeover.

Rebecca would never admit, but she ran away from the Venus cabin with her pants on fire.

It wasn't that she didn't like makeovers, she did. But only with Reyna, now Piper.

Not anyone else, makeover felt something weirdly personal to Rebecca.

Probably because at Circe's island she had done them every single day for years.

She heard someone sniffing. A girl with glossy black hair and a dyed shirt was crying by the river bank.

Rebecca debated between saying or doing something. The girl was clearly crying.

She sat beside her but didn't say anything.

The girl peaked an eye out. "Hi," she sniffed. "Did I ruin my mascara?"


"Aren't you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"If you want to tell me do."

"It's just that I hate this stupid camp," her tone was bitter. "I was so happy living in LA, with my dad and my friends. But this smelly satyr dragged me here."

"That sucks, but life is like that."


"Change, or you weep about it or you live with it."

"Wait for the worst part, today, I lost in front of everyone- which was super embarrassing. And now I don't want to go to my cabin where I'm the ex-counsellor and face everyone."

"Go back with your chin high."

"That's easy to say not do." She looked at Rebecca, taking her in. "You're pretty, what's your name?"

"Rebecca Aldridge," she had to stop herself from giving her cohort number- she was too used to doing that.

The girl hiccuped. "I'm Drew Tanaka."

Rebecca got up. "I'm going to grab some food, do you want to come with me or stay here crying?"

Drew got up and followed Rebecca.


AFTER dinner Rebecca went to talk with Jason. Drew had ended up forcing her to sit with her in the Aphrodite table.

Piper was happy to have her friend with her, however she wasn't super psyched about Drew and Rebecca being friends.

Rebecca ignored the glares between the two sisters.

All throughout dinner she could feel Jason's stare on her, she had looked in his direction plenty of times too.

She had also ended up telling Drew and Piper snippets about her problem with Jason.

She liked Drew Tanaka, probably because she was a misunderstood mean girl.

So after dinner Drew dragged her to the Venus cabin, and Piper gave her a small makeover.

After a week (?) of running around in the country, being pampered felt good.

She ran her palms through her new top, trying to manage the confidence to knock on the door.

But just as she was about to knock the door opened. Jason's hair was messy.

"I was looking for you."

"I'm here now."

She went in his cabin. There was a massive statue of Jupiter/Zeus, which seemed a bit too much to Rebecca.

Apart from that there wasn't much, just a mattress with some pictures beside it.

Jason looked at Rebecca, waiting for her to say something.

"Do you remember everything?"

"I do." His tone was clipped.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I guess I got scared and that's why we had that stupid fight, and then I died and you disappeared and I missed you and I didn't want to. Because I felt stuff and I got really scared, you know? Because you're Jason Grace and I'm, well, me."

Jason stared at her. "I asked you if you knew me and you lied."

"I'm sorry."

"I remembered you."

Rebecca blinked harshly. "What?"

"Not you exactly, your laugh, that's why you seemed so familiar." The way he looked at her was weird, as if he were debating if to kiss her or fight with her. "Are we going to break up?"

"So you also remember that."

"Yeah, we never officially broke up so if you want to..." he trailed off.

"Do you want to brake u-"

His answer came in the form of an angry kiss.


- lmaooo atp i don't even know what i'm

- one more chapter to go !!

- thank you sm for all the support this
book has received

flo <3

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