Chapter 18 : Dinners and Outbursts

Start from the beginning

Judging by the intense look I received when Zaviyaar came home that day, I'm sure he knew what had happened. And I say that because I never heard my phone ringing inside the house again. God knows where everyone got my personal number from. I've always been careful so no one except my immediate family has that one.

"Beta, time's up. Go and get ready now. Hurry, hurry." Zeenut Aunty literally shooed me so I would leave.

I laughed as I finally let go, thanking her for her help, and ran upstairs to my bedroom. Feels weird to call it mine but I'm getting used to it. That fluffy blanket definitely helps.  


I hummed a pretty tune as I pushed my wedding bangles onto my wrists. I had multiple options to choose from now, all thanks to my staring-all-the-time husband, but I felt like these would be the best for tonight. But no, this wasn't the only thing. I was also wearing the anklets he gifted me, the earrings he put on the dressing table when he thought he was being sneaky and... a sari he had delivered while I was in the kitchen.

Granted I had never worn a sari before but considering who it was from made me fall in love with the dress even more. It was a pure silk sari in some gorgeous shade of green with designs all over and lace on the border.

Since it was my first time ever wearing such a dress, Zeenut Aunty had to help me alot. And I must say, Zaviyaar has a pretty good taste. And that is me hoping that Zaviyaar chose this himself. Happy thoughts, come on, Imani. 

Adorned in all of Zaviyaar's gifts made me feel shy but for some reason, I wanted to show them all off to everyone. Tell everyone that my husband gifted all of these to me. It's funny how I never thought of marrying so early and here I am, excited to show Baba that Zaviyaar takes care of me. He must be so worried...

As the door opened, I saw Zaviyaar slowly walk inside with one hand in his pocket. His white shalwar kameez looked shiny underneath the lights. His sleeves were folded to his elbows, showing off his flexing forearms and expensive watch and rings. Pretty....

I quickly looked back at the mirror to make sure I was done getting ready. Something feels missing... I thought he would go sit down or finish getting ready in case he forgot something but what he did made me forget what I was thinking about.

He walked over and simply stood behind me, jumbling up any and all activity in my brain. His piercing and focused gaze was making me sweat and overthink. 'Does he like how I'm looking?', 'Does he like this dress on me?' or worse, 'Is he regretting getting me a sari?? DO I LOOK BAD?!'

My mind was working overtime to calm me down as I worked hard to not break eye contact. It is essential for me to become stronger in the face of his piercing gaze if I ever wish to have proper conversations with him.

I was about to ask him how I looked when all of a sudden, he wrapped an arm around me to hold onto my right hand and slipped a delicate diamond ring into my finger. I stopped thinking and simply looked on, it was perfect... I felt ready.

"Beautiful..." His fingers kept brushing over it, caressing my hand while his eyes didn't leave mine for one second. His body pressed against my back made my heart race even further, light shocks rocking inside me as I tried to pace my breathing so as to not faint.

'Boy, he's so good at this eye contact thing,' Yeah... He is.

I wanted to say something as well, respond to his comment in a way that was not blushing but damn it, my mouth refused to make a sound. The sound of incoming cars was effective in breaking us out of the trance as I jumped to move away from him.

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