18. Moh : A White Witch

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, a hand comes out of nowhere and put him aside and throw him in the darkness of forest where moonlight couldn't reach. He falls down and immediately feels a burning sensation on his back. With teary eyes, bearing the pain, he looked above to see the person who did this to him. The mage comes back and standing in front of him. He is angry at him, yelling at him and keep saying that instead of him he got his powers. He beats him non-stop and Moh was crying for help and requesting him to let him go. Whenever the mage touched him to beat him, Moh feels that he could hear his mind thoughts. The mage than suddenly stops when Moh become dizzy and his back starts bleeding because of the continous friction between his back and the stuff tree where, near it he was lying down on the ground. Moh is crying nonstop but there is noone to hear him, to help him and to see his pain. 

The mage decided to take Moh with him and to do so, he grabs him from his arm and told him get up. Moh couldn't get up but the mage forcefully pulls him and than push him forward to walk. Moh starts walking and the mage follows him from his behind and keep guiding him the where he should go. Moh passed the night somehow, with pain, with rashes and itchiness because of mosquito, with dry blood stain on his back from the injury he had, and with the evil and inhumane mage. 

They both traveled a lot, passing many jungles, many villages and many people on the way. Everyone, whoever passes couldn't keep their eyes off from Moh, because they never saw a strange person with white hairs and eyes with unique eyes. Moh didn't understand at first about their strange stare but as time passes he realized his new identity. The mage taught him to use his powers and if he didn't do that correctly he beats him, yelled at him, abuse him and sometimes even let his starve for a whole day. He taught and forced him to use his powers on people, animals and others to trick them, so that they give them their most precious things. The mage with Moh, just in few years become rich. He opened a mind reading company as a business in a city, and trick them while using mind reading as his cover. Usually, Moh did all the work but he didn't gave him the equality share, and controls him like he was his own pet. He treats him, even worst than a slave. 

8 years have passed, since Moh and Mage comes out from that jungle. Moh, now become adult and as 20 years old he for the first time learn about his true identity. He find out, what he can do with his powers as he has been learning about his powers since 8 years. He become evil and bad too, he now don't need that old mage to tell him what to do. He by himself, tricked peoples, even the old mage to get things from him and the mage never get to know about it because Moh never let him to remember that. The mage thinks that he was controlling Moh, but in reality things were quite different, its just all in his mind. Moh with his powers also find out that his mother, whom he left behind and try to know her whereabouts, find out that she died because of sudden heart attack and that not because of him, it was because of his dead father, thats what the old mage told him. He through the years, start hating her mother as the mage keep provke him that he is there because his mother is not caring for him, instead waiting for his dead father to come, not him. Through all the year because of that, Moh forget about his mother as he start hating her. 

Moh as a kid was a good person but the moment he become White Witch, he world turns upside down and the evilness, the darkness keeps taking control over him, and the mage helped them to do so. Moh meets other White Witches too, who are mostly female. They all encourge him to kill the old mage and free himself from his prison. Moh didn't have the courage to do so but one day, he couldn't control himself and let the evilness to take the lead. The mage was gone, he was dead and Moh couldn't be happier than ever. He celebrate that but in deep of his heart, he felt a heavy pain of regret about what he did. 

Moh have everything, a beautiful face, attractive physique, wealth and on top of that, super abilities. His hairs are not white anymore in terms of appearance, because he using hair color to hide that. Even though he successfully hide his hair color, but in dark his hairs shine and appears white again. His eyes shine in dark too but in light they're normal. He successfully able to control his abilities, with years long training and practice. But, there is one thing that he always want to get. He want his back to get normal again, as only that thing bothers him always. The back doesn't give pain him anymore and neither it bleeds but the dark spot of burn, keeps bother him, and reminds him about his past which he wants to forget.

His fellow white witch friends helped him and told him about healers, a person who can heal any kind of wound. Since, than he embark the journey to find a perfect healer who can heal him and free him from his past. That's how his journey takes him to the restaurant and find Aman. From the first sight, he felt full about it. He falls for Aman's powers, and he decided to get him, just the same way, he get others. He decided that after healing, he will take Aman with him and live with him, so that whenever he gets injured, Aman will heal it for him. Aman embarks a new obsession, a new goal in his life which he didn't want to loose at any cost.

At present, Moh lives in a abonded colony of houses, where hardly anyone lives. From outside, his house looks as same as any other old building but on inside, his home is very similar to a hotel room. He after bathing, wears his bathrobe and picked his phone from the bed. He orders his food and than ly down on bed.

In few minutes, the dilevery boy leaves his order outside and waited for him to come outside. Moh comes outside with a smile and white shiny eyes. He looked at the boy and the boy couldn't think straight, he said good bye to him and leave without the payment. Moh laughs and picked his order, and closed the door.

On the other hand, our guardians just get ready to sleep at their places in the restaurant. Aman and Nikhil, as usual sleeps together holding each other very tightly. The moon light is coming inside their house. The night is getting darker by every second. The dogs are howling and cats are running to catch the mice.

The next morning rises, fresh sunlight enters into Moh's bedroom on his back which have burn marks since his childhood. He is sleeping on his abdomen, and his well build back is shining in the sun. He is not wearing anything at all, however his lower body is hide under the blanket and his right hip is sneaking to the outer world a little. He is taking deep breath and his hairs are on his head, his eyes are calm and closed. He opens his eyes few seconds later but didn't move an inch. He grabs his blanket and gets up, keeping his privacy secure, he rubbed his eyes. 

On the other hand, Aman and Nikhil wakes up and get ready to work. Nikhil just come out of the bathroom with his naked body and hiding his privacy with just a towel. Aman standing near, wearing his uniform stare at him, cooking his eyes with Nikhil's hot physique. Six pack abs, biceped arms, muscled shoulders, bulked chest and a body line dividing everything in equal half to his front and back. Nikhil begin to showoff, he keeps waving his wet hairs, moving his fingers in them to pretend that he is soacking them. Soon, Aman get completely ready but Nikhil has not even start wearing anything. 

Aman than said to him that he should hurry, otherwise they will be late. Nikhil realized that he have other things to do beside flerting with Aman. He immidately put his shirt on and than pants, after socks, he wears his regular shoes. He than joined Aman to eat the breakfast, and than they both leaves the room together. Before leaving the corridor, Nikhil grabs Aman's hand and pulled him back. Aman felt surprised for a second but when he looks at Nikhil, he remembers that he forgets something very dear to Nikhil. He grabs Nikhil face and put his lips on his lip to give a sweet morning peck and Nikhil gives him back too. Nikhil than leaves his hand and than they both goes down stairs through the kitchen. 

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