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Time by time I was stealing glances on them . Taehyung is a good student and y/n is getting better so I cannot ruin her confidence in rage . I can't just insult them by saying some useless stuff . I curse in my head and start doing my work .

After sometime the bell rang which indicates now it's lunch time . Everyone was collecting the stuffs including me as well . I always leave at last . My hawk like eyes was stick on y/n but no creepily . My daughter smiled at me where I just nodded my head slowly. Again the uneasiness can be felt in my heart after the physical touch between taehyung and y/n . He held her hand first then snake his hand on her shoulder. Why y/n is smiling at him. Did she not know that she is committed now ?? Do I have to teach her the difference between of friendship and relationship . I'll punish her for sure .

" fuck " I mumbled inside my breadth. I can't just leave her ass alone. Her ass , boobs and her pussy is mine everything is mine and nobody could deny this. This is not a statement this is a fact.

I hurried and follow them slowly and steadily. I'm not gonna eat my lunch. I know yeji won't go easy on me at home cause she knows how much I hate outside food but I will manage it . I saw her sitting on the chair surrounded suported with a large table . Her classmates and friends namjoon , Nancy, rose , yeji and taehyung was sitting beside her.

I bought a simple sandwich and banana milk for myself and was searching for the empty spot to sit on . Soon the new teacher which I am definitely starting to hate her waved at me . I faked smile at her cause she was not alone and there were more teachers with her . I can't describe my hate towards her but I can't embarrass her too by rejecting her offer infront of the old teachers whom I respect the most.

I bowed at them and sit with them having my sandwich on my hand. Miss Lisa pass me a plate of sushi which I assume she made at home. I badly want to refuse her yet I couldn't cause all of her eyes on me and seem to taken the advantage of that. I take a bite not gonna lie it was delicious but I try to be careful with my words not to give her hope . I praised her being polite. She blushed and puked inside .

Side of my eye I see y/n laughing while holding taehyung's hand adding salt on my wound . My face got darkened.

" y/n I will see you at home. Trust me you'll regret doing this to me " I murmured .

I was so much lost in her that I didn't hear what Mr Daniel said. I come in my senses when I see miss Lisa's hand on my shoulder shaking Mr up .

" yes ?"

" Mr jeon where are you lost?" Mr Daniel questioned.

" my apologies Mr Daniel what were you saying?"

" I was asking Mr jeon , what Is your wife's occupation ?"

" my girlfriend and I got broken up when my daughter was born " I lied with straight face.

They make an o face and I think that was an enough lie to feed them for now . All were silent except one the only and only annoying newbie Lisa.

" so are you a single .. I mean a single parent Mr jeon ?" She asked me with not so innocent Tone of hers .

" my first priority is my daughter miss Lisa and my daughter is not comfortable with outsiders so there's not a question for me to Date and beside that I don't time for any girl if that answers your question ." I stand up and bowed before leaving the cafeteria .

At her home

After dropping yeji at home I relax a bit then drive away at her house. I ring the bell two times and was welcomed by my girl .

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