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Jk pov [ 3 days after  ]

" Mr jeon I have to go to home now something came up . " jimin  informed me .

" okay Mr park....did u give the application?" I questioned

" not yet !! But y/n will give you I told her to write it for me and that one already have my signatures on it . Is that okay?" He inquired being concerned.  I could see the sweat forms on his head . Indeed he is in some type of problem .

" its out of rules but you not seem good so I'll let it slide this time " I close my laptop .

He smiled faintly and mouthed thank you and went away. I hope he will be fine on his own .
I sighed and resume my work. Soon I heard the sound of bell . I check my rolex and it shows lunch time . I wish if y/n's mom packed my lunch box too . I didn't feel the need to make my lunch cause I was fried and I told yeji to eat something in canteen . Since I become vice principal responsibilities are crushing my shoulders. Being a single father and teacher is difficult. 

Soon I heard the knock on my door . I say come in and the person came .

" y/n ?" She bowed to me and lend me a paper .

" here is the application of jimin oppa ..I mean professor park " I took the application and read it carefully . There are some grammatical mistakes but its okay atleast she give her best without anyone's help . She was stealing glances at me as if she was willing to say something.

" do you need something y/n ?" I inquired . She shook her head .

" aren't you eating it's lunch time ?" She questioned me back .

" I forgot to pack my lunch " I lied

" liar " she mumbled

I raised my brow at her ," here !! Mom told me to give this to you . I hope you like sandwiches" . She slides the pink lunch box to me .

" but" before I say something she ran away. I open the box and there the aroma filled my nose . The delicious sandwiches were attracting me towards them and there was a piece of pie too for dessert . My eyes teared up against my will . It's been years since someone shows her love to me.  I immediately wiped down my tears and enjoyed my meal.


" welcome sir jeon " sexy little thick girl welcomed me . She walk upstairs followed by me . Her skirt is too short today. Her delicious thick thighs are exposed a little too much .

" did you go somewhere today??" I asked her checking her outfit

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" did you go somewhere today??" I asked her checking her outfit .

She shakes her head. " why did you ask?" And I put my bag down and take out some books.

" your outfit speaks something else " she settle beside me.

" it just I can't wear them outside that's why I wear it at home " she gazes down .

MI AMOR Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang