Middle of 4th day. 8/10! *gasps*

Start from the beginning

"Come on." Turtle said, startling Moon a bit. "Let's go to the cave. You have a seed stuck in your shoulder."

Moon looked at her shoulder, which was bleeding out, and nodded.

The two went outside of the school, flying to the cave, not saying a word.

'I hope that Qibli and Turtle don't hate me now.' Moon thought, worriedly, glancing at Turtle. 'I feel bad not telling them that I can read minds.'

You made the right choice. Darkstalker said. If you has told them, then they would have stopped being friends with you, and 40% of the futures in that scenario, they tell everyone else that you can read minds, and that you can see the future.

Turtle dived through a waterfall, and Moon followed, getting wet. 

Moon shook her wings to get the water off of her. She looked in the direction they put Dawn, and she was still asleep.

The two didn't say anything, until Turtle said, "You can read minds, can't you?"

Moon flinched back. She then nodded, averting her eyes from Turtle.

"Don't worry." Turtle said, turning to the lake. "I don't blame you for not telling anyone, and lying. I mean, who shares their deepest secrets to some kids the met 3 days ago?"

Moon kept silent for a second, before saying, "Kinkajou."

"Really?" Turtle raised his eyebrows.

Moon chuckled. "Yeah. I don't think that there is even one secret in that bubble of excitement." 'About her, anyway.'

"Well, do you want me to take out the seed?" Turtle offered.

"Thanks." Moon smiled.

Turtle nodded before saying, "I suggest you get in the water. It will hurt a lot, and the blood with be cleaned up easily."

Moon shook her head. "No, it's alright. Besides, I could get an infection from going into the water. Also, I have another reason you don't want to know."

Turtle raised an eyebrow. "Does it involve poison in any form?"

Moon stared at him for a second before looking away. "Yes..."

He rolled his eyes, before getting a bowl and some bandages. "You and your gory stuff." Turtle went over to Moon, and put the bowl under her shoulder. 

"Alright." He then ripped out the seed, making her shriek lightly. More blood leaked out, and landed into the bowl. 

"No warning I see." Moon winced, observing her wound, tooking a lemon, and rubbed it on her wound. It was very painful, but nothing she hasn't dealt with before.


Moon took the bandages, and wrapped it around her shoulder. She grabbed one of the ends with her teeth, and pulled to make a not.

There was another awkward silence, what was it with awkward silences tosay?

"So I guess you know my secret." Turtle said quietly, gazing at the ripples in the lake.

"No." Moon interrupted, making Turtle look at her. "I don't know why, but for some reason, I can't read your mind." She was curious now, but Moon didn't want to betray her friend's trust.

"............Huh." Turtle said. "Well I'm, not that interesting anyway."

Moon raised an eyebrow. "Sure." She said sarcastically.

"What?! I'm not!!" Turtle defended.

"If you say so." Moon said, not convinced.

Turtle pushed Moon into the water.

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