"I've got eyes on all units around the base. Cass and Diego you guys are heading South East, there's currently 7 guards patrolling that area so stay cautious. D'anglo's you're to go to the North side, right now I can see 9 guards and your target." Tess looks up from her monitor and at all of us with nervous eyes, "We've just got to get through these few raids and we'll be free again"

Diego sends her a weak smile before then hardening his features, "Just because we've got two less people than you two doesn't mean we're not going to make this competition."

Mateo raises his brows, "You're on Russo"

"Let's just at least try to get out of here alive" Cass sighs, growing frustrated.

"I can't promise you that much" I send Cass a wink and she sends me a glare.

"Alright seriously get out of here it's 2:30am" Tess pushes me slightly and then returning to set up all of her monitors surveying the area.

Turning on night-vis, I signal to Mateo to see if he's ready to go. He swings his sniper over his back and puts on his gloves, Mateo has always been cautious but since he found me in that club he's been extra cautious around me. Even Diego suggested if it's better if I take some time off work before I started working again.

I don't want to be helped, I don't want time to think; when I'm alone with myself that's when bad things happen. Everything has been happening too quickly and yet I feel like I'm going nowhere. Stefano and Dmitry are planning something, something big and I don't even have the slightest idea about what it is. To be honest, I'm scared. This is going to be my empire and still I'm treated like just another foot soldier. 

As for the Spanish, we're going to hit them where it hurts. If I can't focus on my own mafia it's better if I at least focus on the Spanish. These tasks Stefano has set are merely chores to him (chores that could get his best killed), so there's no point in taking pride in what we're doing because it's inevitably meaningless.

"Did you hear what I said?" Mateo says through his speaker. I hum in confusion, obviously too lost in my own thoughts to concentrate on what's been happening.

His sigh is heard through my gear, "I said, what if I climb up onto these containers, that way I can set up my sniper and we can finish this job quick"

"Absolutely not, for all we know they could have snipers from every angle of this place. I can't risk you being out in the open"

"You don't have to be so protective, considering it's been you who's been the most reckless lately"

"Don't" I threaten him with a bitterness in my tone, I don't need to be reminded.

He shakes his head and continues to walk throughout the base, facing his gun at every alleyway and lurking as he walks. From the blueprints, the base consists of a bottom area purely of containers filled with whatever. Then a loading dock for cargo ships and finally a lookout where Mateo and I need to go.

"I think that this is it" 

I look up at the building then down at my location of my screen, sending him a tight nod I signal for him to start moving. Mateo gears himself up by hooking the rope to his belt, he tugs on it for safe measure and begins his ascend to the inside of the building.

I do the same. Mateo doesn't wait for me though, apparently having adopted a grudge towards me. We avoided all paths where there were patrolling guards but for extra caution Mateo points his gun on top of the roof and looks through his snipe to see if anyone is on top. He signals with two fingers at me and then releases the trigger twice, the silencer making only the thump of bodies heard. I climb on top of the building and jog over to the guards to check for any evidence.

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