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Marco's P.O.V:
"Did you hear about the Spanish" Mateo asks whilst taking a drink of his redbull

"What did they do this time?" I blow out a sigh

"You remember Nicholas? He's finally been allowed the inheritance of the mafia"

"Wait Nicholas? I thought..." I trail off

"My thoughts exact, I don't know where that bastard is but good ridden. Speaking of, when are you going to become the Don" He taunts

"I hope I never do" I say bluntly

"Can I take over then" He smiles widely

"Definitely not, if I had to choose between us I'd rather me take over"

"You don't think I'm capable?" He asks, a subtle hurt to his tone

"I think you're more capable than me, that's why I don't like the idea of you being in charge." I pause to watch his expression "This mafia would be unstoppable if you were ruling it, but that just increases your heads worth on a platter, if you get my memo" I explain

He nods "The team went pretty good out there today" He makes casual conversation

"Which team?" I raise a brow. We have so many that I can't keep up.

"It was randomly picked, but the one Cass lead today" He explains

"They blew up a base" I say bluntly

"It's one way to get the job done" He shrugs

"No, it's reckless" I shake my head

"You guys are wanna come and see this" Diego barges through the door

"When did you get here?" Marco asks

"Just now, we need to head back to base come on" He pants out

"This better be fucking good, you drove through about 4 red lights" I press

"Better than good" Diego promises

He takes us into the elevator and presses the button for the bottom floor- the assassin and soldier quarters.

"The new assassin is better than we thought. Cass has increased her training and she has improved tremendously. Alexander got a bit too cocky and asked to fight her- no weapons. And well , you both know how bulky he is, she beat his ass bro. I've never seen anyone take him down like that before" Diego explains

"That's all we're here for?" I check my watch and sigh

"That's all we're her for" he repeats and gestures to his self and marco "But you, Stefano has ordered a fight between you and Athena" He smirks

I let out a short chuckle and deadpan "You're joking. I'll crush her in two." I boast

"That's what I'm thinking" Diego agrees

"Alright then, it's a bet, $50. I'm betting Athena wins" Marco says confidently

"Game on" I smile

As we enter the gym, my eyes dart to a heavily bruised and panting Alexander. I watch as he glared heavily at Athena, she sends back a cocky wink and blows him a kiss. Tess and Cass laughing as they watch him accept defeat.

"You wanna talk or are you too busy licking your wounds?" I ask

"Good luck man" Is all he says

"There you are my son" Stefano holds his hand on my shoulder "I haven't seen you fight in a while, time to see if you've gotten rusty or not" He smirks

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