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I woke up with the feeling that I was being watched. The sweat gleamed on my forehead as rapid breathes escaped my lungs.

So I do have nightmares about well everything, but I do think I've learned how to recover from them. After regaining my breathe, I stand up from my bed and start stretching just to relieve all the tension that I both mentally and physically hold.

My eyes flicker towards the frosted sliding door, outside I see a figure trying to hide themselves away from my door. Stupidly, I walk up to my door to let them in but as soon as I start moving, the run away.

Furrowing my eyebrows I turn around to change into something more appropriate for training. Cass should be here soon so I'd better be ready before she comes.

I won't lie, the clothes they gave me are really fucking uncomfortable. I become hyper aware of how tight my shirt is on my chest and how the buckles and buttons pry at my legs.

I don't have a clock in my room but something tells me that Cass is going to be late. We've been training for 2 weeks now and I've become used to a routine.

Every morning, a guard in a maroon shirt walks past my door and not long after Cass does to come and take me to the gym.

I've told her that I'm perfectly capable of walking to the gym myself but she completely dismissed it and said I'd rather her than one of the guards.

Finally the swoosh of the door opening greets me but instead of the familiar face of a brunette, a serious looking- curly haired- brown toned man walks in.

"Cassandra sent me, she currently is on a mission with Alexander but sends her condolences for not being able to train you today." The lack of emotion in his voice bothering me.

Grabbing my pen and paper I write "Who will be training me then???"

"Tess, she's got enough experience to assist you with your training"

Tess? From what I've been told, she is a medic. Maybe that means she'll go easier on me, last week I fainted 3 times from dehydration but Cass said I need to build a tolerance to lack of water. In Tess' little "medic bay" as she likes to call it, she told me that Cass is only being tough on me because when I go on a real mission, I'll need to learn how to work under pressure and stay on task.

Nodding, I gesture to the doorway so that I can follow him out.

Okay even Cassandra talks more than him. He hasn't uttered a single word but I did catch his name. On his badge (which not even Cass, Tess, Mateo or Alex wear) is the name "Diego Russo". From what I've gathered, he must have a decently high ranking compared to everyone else because of the amount of respect shown to him as we walk through the halls by the people who pass us by.

"You're here!" Tess greeted me with a beaming smile.
Giving her a half smile I go to the water station to fill up my bottle and then grab a towel to prepare myself for whatever Tess has planned.

"What took you so long?" Tess' voice lowered as she talked to Diego
"Marco has been acting like a real dick lately Tess" he rubbed his forehead "I had to put up with another one of his rants about his Father's policies" he paused "Why didn't you escort her?"
"The team Cass just went off with needed to be properly equipped with suitable protection and safety procedures so I had to make sure we can prevent as much faculties as possible." She explained.
"Why does she even need to be escorted anyways, what value does she bring to this mafia. I've seen her train, she's alright but not elite" He asks
"You know why she's important" Tess presses

Slightly eavesdropping on their conversation, I decide to rejoin their party so that they can stop gossiping about me.

Crap, somehow Tess is even worse than Cass. At least I haven't fainted yet, that is a plus because Tess has more knowledge about the impacts of dehydration and it's causes.

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