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Nicholas P.O.V:
How the fuck did this even happen? I leave base for an hour and I come back to it blown to pieces.

Walking through the rubble I spot remains of dead soldiers. If Antonio didn't survive I'm going to find away to bring him back and murder him all over again-

"Boss, we've found Antonio. He's fine but I think he's....hiding from you" My soldier explains.

"Of course he is" I rub my temple "Take me to him"

Even from afar I can tell he's definitely not fine. Bruises and burns are scattered across his body and his torso has a large rip in it with blood spilling out.

"One job. You had one job" I warn

"I understand you're angry, but our systems were down we had no idea this attack was coming." He frantically explains

"Who did it"

"Italians. Our little spy tried their best to keep everything under control but that Cassandra just had to interfere" He shakes his head.

"Fuck me" I stomp my foot and curse "You know I can't be under this level of stress. I've got the signing soon and I'm planning on marrying Tanya, I can't do this shit right now"

"You two are really going to tie the knot?" He asks

"Don't distract me." I glare

"The Italians have a new member, must be a mute or something because she didn't say a word when she tried to kill me" He licks his teeth

"Assassin? No offence but you're not that important that you deserve to have a bounty on your head" I check my watch and put my hands on my hips to mindlessly look at the damage before us.

"I'll take the backhanded compliment." He trails off "I've already contacted a team to clear this up. I just don't know how your Dad is gonna take it though" He mutters the last part.

"I'll deal with it (as I usually do) just get yourself fixed up, you're a bleeding mess." I say as I help him up.

"How did they get their hands on technology that can block out all signals and still manage to blow up the entire building with no casualties on their side and no trace of them leaving" Tanya says to both herself and me

"You want to know how they left no evidence? They blew up the entire place that's how" I snap

She looks at me with a wary expression and nods to herself. We're on our way to my Father's office to give a briefing on the incident.

"Shit I'm sorry Tanya." I breathe out a long sigh "I'm not justifying my outburst but you know I've got a lot on my plate right now"

She intertwines her arm with mine, "I know, inheriting the New York Spanish mafia is pretty crazy" She draws circles on my arm with her thumb, "But I'll always be there for you no matter what happens" She kisses me on the neck.

In sync, we both inhale at the same time before opening the door to my Father's office.

"Don't bother explaining anything. Antonio already explained it to me to lessen you're sentence." He doesn't even turn around but takes a sip of his liquor.

"I'll leave" Tanya turns around

"No stay. I need to talk to you both. Take a seat."

Finally he turns around and sits in his arm chair, his grey eyes watching us steadily. Suddenly I notice the contract before us looking back at him my eyes widen to which he smiles.

"I'm getting old son and you're all that I have left. I can't risk this life anymore, I want to watch you and Tanya take over and live happily, you know gives you kids a little freedom"

Sighing, I understand his message. His wife, my Mother was murdered by Stefano D'Anglo at a business party once. After that, we lost all ties with the Italian mafia and have been at a war ever since.

Tanya threads her fingers with mine and gives my hand a squeeze, reassuring me that this is what I want. I've worked my entire life to get to this position, there's no giving up now.

"Do you have a pen?" I ask and he hands it to me.

"I'm planning on hosting a party, in you're honour, Don" She teases

"I like the sound of that" I lick my lips

"Really?" She lets out an excitement squeak. "Give me 12 hours and I'll have everything sorted"

I watch as she leaves our room. I've been allocated the week off so that Father can prepare to say his final goodbyes to his mafia.

The anticipation of what might happen to me once I really take over eats at me. But like I've said, I have trained for this my entire life. I know better than anyone how to manage a mafia and have been trained since I was 11 to be a loyal soldier.

"Congratulations your majesty" Antonio walks in with a bottle of Jack Daniels

"It's 1pm Tony" I warn

"And so what?" He says as he danced side to side whilst luring a cup for himself

"Just one" I say as I reach for it

"That's what all the ladies say" He wiggles his eyebrows

"You're sadistic"

"I prefer the term, ambitious" He beams

"What the fuck does that even mean?"

"You seriously don't know what it means to be ambitious?" He furrows his brows

"No, I know what it means" I sigh, he obviously didn't understand what I meant

Before I know it, Antonio's shitty Guns'n'roses  music starts blasting from the speakers installed in my room.

"I actually wish you blew up with those drugs today" I throw a pillow at him

He dodges it and holds a hand to his heart "I'm offended, really" He feigns hurt

Sipping my drink I roll my eyes at him as I watch his antics as he holds the bottle and dance to 'Sweet Child O'mine'

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