Chapter 51: Art of Flight

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Randy was tired.

Don't get him wrong, fighting robots and low-level demons wasn't hard but the sun had risen an hour ago and all he wanted was to collapse on his cot and sleep the rest of the day away.

Oh, he's becoming nocturnal.

That's new.

Randy shook his head as he made his way back to the Water Estate, Giyuu walking right next to him.

Once Giyuu opened the door, because Randy wasn't allowed to go in the building through the window, only out, Randy just about groaned when he saw the person sitting at the dining table.

"What are you doing here?!" Randy groaned, making an exasperated gesture towards the man at the table.

"I must agree." Giyuu said calmly, how Giyuu always sounded calm was a mystery to Randy but wasn't his main concern at the moment.

"Randy you are needed." First Ninja stood up from his spot on the table.

Randy crossed his arms, "For what exactly?"

"The Nomicon would find it beneficial if you learned a new Art before you continue on your mission."

Randy froze before basically vibrating with anticipation, "A new Art! Which one? Never mind, it doesn't matter! What are you waiting for?! Let's go!" Randy practically ran to his room to grab the Nomicon.

"Art of Flight?" Giyuu asked.

First Ninja nodded, "Art of Flight."

"And this is urgent why?" Giyuu asked.

The Ninja Art of Flight always took the longest to learn, hence it being the only Art that the Nomicon had a person learn ahead of time.

"Because the Nomicon wishes for Randy's next Uppermoon battle to be done without us." First Ninja said simply.

"What? Why?" Giyuu asked suddenly, "He barely survived the lowest Uppermoon. Isn't it too soon?"

"Unfortunately for us time isn't quite on our side. Randy is a perfectly capable Ninja; however, he needs to experience some of these issues without outside help. He won't have you around forever, nor me, nor the Nomicon. The Nomicon knows how this battle played out originally. Randy will not be facing the Uppermoon alone." First Ninja explained, a tone of reassurance filling his voice, "Plus you have a task of your own to complete."

First Ninja gestured towards the room that held the wisteria and vines.

"Oh cheese..." Giyuu muttered in remembrance before rushing to the room, earning a small chuckle from First Ninja.

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