Chapter 50: Lesson

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Randy walked up to the two, still reeling slayers. 

"Hey guys. How was my show?" Randy asked. 

"Very Informative." 

"So funny." 

The two slayers said at the same time before looking at each other. 

"Yeah, that too." Zenitsu said sheepishly. 

"Glad it worked out. Apparently First has been planning this for like two months at this point." Randy shrugged, "Not quite as entertaining as preforming on stage but it's the next best thing." 

"On stage?" Zenitsu questioned, "You've preformed on stage before?" 

"Oh yeah! I'm in a band." Randy said proudly. 

"Oh really. What do you play?" Zenitsu asked. 

"I play the keytar! It's like a mix between a guitar and keyboard... er... piano, I guess." Randy explained, realizing that keytars probably haven't been invented yet, "Do you play anything?" 

"I can play the shamisen, but I don't do it often." Zenitsu shrugged. 

"Shamisen? What's that?" 

"Oh right! It's sort of like a lute? That seems the most accurate." Zenitsu said in thought.

Giyuu stood awkwardly next to the two teenagers as they rambled on about music. First Ninja had vanished and while the Nomicon was technically everywhere, Giyuu was unsure if casual conversation was acceptable. 

"What about you Giyuu?" Randy suddenly asked. 

"Huh?" Giyuu responded with a confused look. 

"Instruments." Zenitsu said plainly, "Do you play any?" 

"Oh... no I don't." Giyuu answered. 

"Aw man..." Randy sighed, "If you did, we totally could have started a band." 

"You're already in a band." Zenitsu remarked, "Nobody needs two bands." 

"I need two bands!" Randy says proudly.

Zenitsu rolled his eyes, "Good for you." Zenitsu turned his head to look at Giyuu, "How do we get out of here? I was supposed to be back at the Butterfly Mansion hours ago." 

"We are usually forced out after we complete a task." Giyuu informed the young slayer next to him. 

"So, we're just stuck here until your Ninja book decides we can leave?" Zenitsu huffed with frustration clear in his voice. 

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