Chapter Fourteen

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Brownfur padded after Seedshine, not letting his tail leave her sight as they followed the clan towards the Moon Cliff. She looked up to the moon, which was full and shining. This was the first time the clans were meeting up since the leaf-bare started, and every cat seemed excited. Owlpaw was practically bouncing from tree to tree as they made their way to the cliff.

"Calm down Owlpaw, your going to destroy the whole forest if your not careful!" Seedshine purred.

Bronwfur let out a mroww of amusement. "That's right Owlpaw, don't knock down the trees onto the other clans!" She added. Owlpaw purred and calmed down a bit, slowing to a trot beside Seedshine and Brownfur.

"I hope the kits will be alright." Brownfur murmured to Seedshine.

"Of course they will be, and I'm surprised you chose to come if you're so worried about them." Seedshine replied.

Brownfur shrugged. "It felt like I had to come."

"Same here." Seedshine yawned. "Though I probably should have gotten some more rest the night before." Brownfur nodded. As the clan pushed their way through the bushes that signaled the entrance to the cliff. Cliffclan, as usual, was there first, since their camp was so close to the Moon Cliff. Furystar was sitting next to Tornstar, her eyes flicking back and forth, more alert than ever. I wonder what's bothering her. Brownfur thought. She scanned Bloodclan's patrol and realized there were less cats than usual, most likely because of the sickness that caught a hold of Bloodclan. Crystalstar nodded greeting to the other two leaders before settling down herself beside them. Brownfur saw their friend Bloodpaw, who was probably a warrior now. His muzzle had small spots of red around it and towards his whiskers, and his jet black fur gleamed under the moonlight. Brownfur raised her tail and waved him a greeting. Bloodpaw saw her and dipped his head with deep respect. She padded up to him and sat next to him.

"Hi Bloodpaw!" She mewed cheerfully.

"I'm Bloodmuzzle now." Bloodmuzzle corrected gently. "And your..?" Brownfur blinked, wondering if her friend actually forgot her. "Of course I didn't forget you Brownpaw, I just know that your a warrior." He added quickly.

Relief washed over Brownfur. "Oh of course, I'm Brownfur now." She purred. Seedshine sat a few tail-lengths away, a look of jealousy all over his face. Brownfur purred in amusement.

"How have you been, Brownfur?" Bloodmuzzle asked.

"Pretty good. I've had kits too." Brownfur replied.

Bloodmuzzle's eyes widened in surprise. "You have? That's great!" He exclaimed. "Who's the father?"

Seedshine stepped forward with the a growl. "Me." He meowed with a hint of snarl in his voice, his eyes glinting with a warning. Bloodmuzzle nodded calmly to him, not intimidated at all by Seedshine's hostility. "Congratulations!" He mewed.

Brownfur shot a glare at Seedshine. "Thank you Bloodmuzzle, now we should get to our places, the gathering should start soon." She replied in the most respectful voice she can manage, before dipping her head in goodbye. Bloodmuzzle dipped his head as well, and padded off to talk to another cat. Brownfur then whipped around to glare at Seedshine again.

"What was that?" She demanded.

Seedshine didn't seem to mind her angry voice. "We shouldn't talk to our enemies," He responded calmly. "Besides, don't you have me to talk to during gatherings?"

Brownfur flicked her tail angrily. "Bloodmuzzle isn't an enemy! He's just a friend!"

"Fine." Seedshine grumbled, turning around to talk to his apprentice, Owlpaw. Brownfur sighed and sat down, curling her tail around her paws and stared up at the moon, which seemed... different. The edges seemed slight orange, and the inside was bright yellow. Isn't the moon usually white? Brownfur has seen blue moons before, but never yellow or orange. Before she could think about it for any longer, a proud voice bellowed through the clearing.

Warriors: Clans of Moonclan: Invasion of the infected: The Blood Moon RisesWhere stories live. Discover now