yandere mha x Scarlet witch reader part 4

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Mei (Romantic)

Mei is the affectionate and delusional yandere

• When you 1st met Mei at the Sports Festival she was AMAZED your fighting skills were unique the way you fought your opponents and used your quirk wisely even if you lost she still cheered and after the sports festival she ran up to you and congrats you on your hard work!

• Whenever your hero  Costume is all destroyed or any of your gear malfunctions all of a sudden Mei would always volunteers to help you

•Loves to chat about how Amazing Her gadgets are when you're there she rants about everything her tools, her work, her blueprints, Even about how they work whenever gadgets and you are involved she is happy to chat away ofc she loves hearing you chat about her work and all that stuff as well hearing your adventures and battling villains always lights up her eyes

• Like Izuku she would make notes on your quirk and wants to study more about it at times she would want you to be her tester for all  her gadgets because her excuse is always "Your quirk works perfectly for this experiment" or "But this gadget is important I need to test it out so other students can use it" ofc she makes sure it safe for you after that she would reward you with candy and praises

• However if you do get hurt by her creations she will apologize repeatedly and give you 2x as much candy but she'll have to explain that to 19 crazy Classmates yikes.

•Speaking of classmates Mei is always jealous of how class 1a would always pull you away whenever it's not one of them it pisses her off so she decided to sabotage some of your gadgets to more spend time with you at times when her classmates knew what she was doing and threaten her to stop but she was too deep into the obsession with you you depend on her right? That's why you come to her for help? Right? After all, if you let her fix her stuff maybe you'll fix her broken heart~

Shindo (romantic)

•hes a manipulative possessive type of yandere and would get easily jealous

•you and Shindo were childhood friends and then you changed middle schools but now you're here Shindo gave you a big hug when he recognized you and you looked happy as well (unlike your classmates) fortunately after the exams you got his number and now you were friend again

• which you quickly regret cause now This mf Texting you 24/7 Je would send you playful flirts with the "😘😘😘" which you would always laugh at and never mind it
•Shindo would always convince you to go to places y'all used to go as kids and would always hold your hand and sing your embarrassing childhood songs y'all used to Sing as kids He loved seeing your flustered face and would tease you about it

•Would sometimes sneak in your dorm room so y'all could have sleepovers but one day Dadzawa caught him and let's just say he got into a lot of trouble (He's lucky he ran for his life) but the dude was sneaky he got tricks up his sleeve

•Would sometimes sneak in your dorm room so y'all could have sleepovers but one day Dadzawa caught him and let's just say he got into a lot of trouble (He's lucky he ran for his life) but dudes were sneaky he got tricks up his sleeve

•He loves to brag or argue about your classmates about who knows you better and at times ends up physical (by a certain blonde hair and green hair)

Neito (Romantic)

Neito is the possessive and obsessive yandere

•Neito would find ways to taut you in any way so he can get your attention whether it be good or bad

•When Neito 1st met you he thought you were all the same until you just told him to fuck off and leave them alone it would make him angry but somehow he was blushing and flustering at those words and the way your voice was filled with fierce and venom kt him shudder in a good way

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