Chaos Babysitting

159 2 4

Your pronouns are they/them
Prothero AU 
Yuzuya AU

Requested by ThatAnimeTeen

You were just getting home from a patrol you were exhausted from having to put villains in the police car to having to fight such notorious villains you just want to eat, take a bath,  and go to the big soft bed and cuddle with your 2 two boyfriends

you were using ur quirk (it can be any quirk) to try to get home faster but suddenly you heard a nearby commotion coming from the park you ran up to get a closer look and see a villain trying to run with bags of money on hand "Stop!" The pro hero Deku and icy hot said while running you groan and went after the villain as well.

The villain tried to use his quirk to hit you but the 2 of you managed to dodge deku tried to use a black wipe attempting to try to recruit the villain but dodge it (barely) should try to build an ice wall to block the villain from trying to escape.

the villain panicked desperately trying to a way to get rid of 3 pro heroes u used ur quirk to try and reel him in but the villain got scared and used his quirk and you accidentally got hit not in minutes after u got hit your vision started to get blurry and u could start to feel drowsy the last thing you saw was todoroki running to you and said some words you couldn't hear over the loud ring in your head and then everything turned to black.

Bakugou and Kirishima Quickly drove to the agency Kirishima with a medkit in hand after Shouto explained to them on the phone about the whole fiasco when Kirishima and Bakugo arrived they didn't expect this.

Shoto holding a familiar-looking baby wrapped in what seems to be your hero suit "Hah?! Where's roomie and why is that baby in their hero suit?!" Akatsuki said with arms crossed and still looking around for you "Well ur not gonna believe me but this infant child im holding is them" Shouto replied Katsuki didn't believe it until the baby had the same birthmark on (whatever part of your body) and both boys knew it was you

"you sure you know how to take care of a baby? Bestie I heard children are hard" "No worries we know roomie like the back of our hand how hard could it be?" Kirishima said while cooing at you while u giggled which made him blush a little they drove to the nearest store to get the thing you need "Ah!" you pointed at the candy section with a big smile on your face "tch you think you need candy brat? We got plenty of food at home" you made a puffy pouty face which made Kirishima felt a little  bad for you "aww is bakugou not giving you any candy?" he said and you began to be the puppy eyes with tears swelling up

"DAMNIT ENJIRO!!" Katsuki yelled at red-haired himbo  when he saw Kirishima sheepish smiling while rubbing the back of his neck while  you were eating your fav candy mouth covered in melted candy and candy bits

When they drove back home with the baby supplies they decided that you needed to eat so Katsuki prepared some mushed peas

"eat brat" Katsuki shoved the spoon inch across your face but you shake your head the other way refusing it "Come on roomie you gotta eat plus it's healthy" Kirishima tried to reassure you but  you shook your head again and trying to avoid the spoon "alright that's it!" katsuki grabbed the spoon and shoved the food in your mouth

"see ejiro they like-" he was quickly cut off when you spit the mushed peas on his face and some got into his mouth  Kirishima was laughing and wheezing his ass off while Katsukii was gagging and desperately trying to find water so he can spit it out "SHUT IT *coughs* it's NOT FUNNY" Katsuki protest while drinking the water and spitting it out "im going to fucking kill the both of you.." "You won't!" Kiri said while still chuckling at the end you had to eat somehow so Katsuki cooked up ur fav (insert childhood food) and u ended up eating it all!

It was time to give you a bath katsuki brought out your fav bath toy and let you play with it once you dried off you ran escaped out of the bathroom butt naked while both Katsuki and Kirishima were desperately chasing you around Kirishima was the one eventually caught u When you tried to jump off the highest cabinet

It was time for bed and Katsuki put you in your f/c onesie and it was your fav animal! They gave you your pacifier cause you couldn't sleep without it and you passed out real quick "What a long day. Right babe" Kirishima said while kissing you and Katsuki on the cheek "yea sure for you dumbasses" Katsuki playfully rolled his eyes "I really hope roomie turns back tho I can't stand another day with them like this" Kiri said while yawning "But it is cute to see them peacefully sleeping" Katsuki soften  while rubbing your head and kissing you and Kiri
"Good night you dumbasses I'll kill ya tomorrow" "We'll see," Kri said while both dozing off

And now for a bonus featuring: Bakugo, todoroki, Kirishima, and Baby reader

Kirishima  let's uh feed it some katsudon everyone loves Katsu don

Bakugo: I don't think it can eat solid food

Kirishima: Well then put it in the blender

Todoroki: well if you say so *picks you up and heads towards the blender*


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