Book Recommendations

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Disclaimer: the books I recommend are not mine please give the authors who im  about to recommend to you the proper credit they deserve


Bnha x Reader Oneshots 🤍 by IzaWikeqI MF LOVE THEIR ONESHOTS BRO especially their newest one (no spoilers!)

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Bnha x Reader Oneshots 🤍 by IzaWikeq
I MF LOVE THEIR ONESHOTS BRO especially their newest one (no spoilers!)

Bnha x Reader Oneshots 🤍 by IzaWikeqI MF LOVE THEIR ONESHOTS BRO especially their newest one (no spoilers!)

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Blood lust Stalker Todoroki x reader by Jenelle_luvs
I know it only has 1 chapter BUT ITS SO GOOD

 One shot for all by JadeWestCatValentineMASTERPIECE MF MASTERPIECE especially the yandere Wednesday  day chapter

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One shot for all by JadeWestCatValentine
MASTERPIECE MF MASTERPIECE especially the yandere Wednesday  day chapter

Some Mha headcannons LolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora