Yandere Erasermic Fam Headcannons

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Present Mic and Aizawa

*The Couple desperately wanted another child even tho they got Shinso (He was 2 when he got adopted by them) Aizawa just remembered that their coworker was m/n (moms name) and they know just what they had to do (KIDNA-  I mean child surprise adoption)

*So they tracked down m/n and decided to kill her and buried her body somewhere so they couldn't find her

*Ever since then they never talked about it now onto the headcanons

*The Dads are very protective of you 3 and make sure they spend an equal amount of time with their children

*If you ever came out as LGBTQ they would most definitely support you or even celebrate but just expect your gonna have to wait a couple of years to date someone

*When Eri got bullied one time the the dads plus Shinso were FUMING with anger while you and Eri were confused let's just say the bullies the next day got their minds on track and never bother Eri again actually they would compliment her at times

*They baby-proofed the entire house so nobody gets hurt one time you slipped on some water and hit your head those 2 were in panic mode and the next thing you know u were  banned from the kitchen for a month and needed bed rest (even tho it was just a scratch)

*every time they go out on a patrol on weekends they let Shinso be in charge cause they think he is responsible enough to watch y'all and when he's in charge it's gonna be chaos

*I can just imagine Shinso and Denki will be in the back getting romantic while  y/n and Eri eat a lot of sugar and run around the place while screaming their heads off while singing and when Shinso announced Aizawa and Mic were coming home they would panic and quickly clean up

*Mic always loves to braid or style your hair long, medium, and short this Papa will always find a way to make your hair stunning

*Aizawa doesn't do physical affection much so he'll just give you a head pat and a "Good job kiddo" to you just to remind you that he also cares about all 4 of you his one happy family

* Aizawa and Mic have 2 cats named Crystal and Ocean
Crystal is a sassy cat while Ocean is just a chill breeze cat that's why they call her ocean


*I would see Shinso as a laid-back Yandere like he wouldn't do anything Yandereish until he senses a red flag among the person you're talking to or someone ur dating he'll pull you away from anyone he thinks their a bad influence or either  he thinks they're up to something

* Shinso would be so clingy and always hugging you from behind while you're laying down even when you're sleeping the dude damages any physical attention from you 24/7

* You and Shinso would always have petty little arguments ever since y'all were toddlers to y'all babbling trying to say cuss words at each other seeing who would get to play with the toy 1st to fighting about which Music band is better than the other

Shinso would always sneak his boyfriend Denki in because his dads despise him and don't think Denki isn't good enough for him ( and yes I ship Shinkami call me cringe cause I know) Whenever Shinso and Denki would try to get some alone time you as the annoying sibling would barge up into his room

"Hitoshi the  dads are going out on the date and now you are in char-" You were about to finish your sentence when you looked up to see your brother and your classmate all up on each other with kiss marks on their necks and Denki with red lip gloss on his lips with shiso in his t-shirt and boxers both cheeks flushed with embarrassment you silently close the door with no words just a blank face "N/n what's taking so long I wanna watch my fav tv show!" eri yelled from upstairs waiting for you to watch strawberry shortcake (2003 version)
"Coming in," you said blanky while walking down the starts with a blank yet scared expression on your face "What happened with Shinso you said he'll be joining us as well"
Eri said while you help her get snacks from the kitchen to watch the show "Let's just say he's busy yea busy" You just wanted to watch the show and be over with this day


Eri is a sweet/Fake Yandere she'll be nice to You Aizawa Mic and Shinso but to anyone else a little sass bomb or will get jealous very easily when she's someone with you she'll use her years to guilt trip you into coming back to her side

She'll want to play dress up, princess and the dragon, and play dolls she would always try to make excuses to make you come into her room to play if she needs a drink or snack what's that boring? Come brush my hair! u don't want to? That's ok! We can watch cartoons and laugh together and have fun as long as ur with me

At night Eri will always convince you or Shinso to let her sleep in your room by crying saying she had a nightmare about her being in the lab and how could you say no to that? Or she'll wake Shinso up saying she needs to use the bathroom and she is scared to go alone or she wants to go downstairs for a midnight snack or a glass of water

When going out in public eri always wants to hold you or Shinso's hand and the public cooing and awes at the little girl which sooner was stopped by a protective Aizawa blocking all 3 of you protectively and wanting to get this day over with

Eri is a tattle tail so you better be careful  if you have a crush, or if you text your partner she'll tell no more how much you'll bribe her she'll go right ahead and tell one time you were sneaking out to meet a friend and eri somehow notice and told the whole family and u git grounded for 3 months with no phone and was forced to take the number off your phone yea ur doomed unless u got somewhere to hide your stuff or secrets eri is the security dog of this house

Eri's fears are her family abandoning her or even you hosting her and she couldn't even dream of you not wanting to play with her anymore no more dollies no more playtime no more tea parties no more cartoons what nightmare most of those times she'll cry out of nowhere every time she thinks about that stuff she doesn't want you to not play with her anymore

In Conclusion, eri is the sweetest little wandered but can be a sneaky one and will tattle on you but Deep down she just wants to protect you and not be a nuisance


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