BabySitting With Bakugo

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Yuzuya Pro hero Au BakuKiri

Your Prnouns are they/them

You, Kirishima, and Izuku were chasing down a villain by the name "Prime Time" The chasing led into an abandoned building where he disappeared in.

"He went in that building Kiri you and H/N check upstairs while I go block off the exits of this building let me know when you got the villain" Izuku Ordered, the 2 of you nodded and went with the plan.

You grabbed a flashlight from your hero suit and searched in the dark rooms where suddenly u heard a yell that came from Kirishima he was fighting off the time prime you use your quirk to attack him and he ran to the roof you and Kirishima followed him there and prepared to attack.

You and Kiri made it to the roof where the villain was about to jump off until Kirishima grabbed him and threw him in the opposite direction of the edge, In anger the Villian went closer to your partner and Use his quirk on Kiri which knock him out
"Kiri!!" You yelled out and in rage, u charged at him while using ur quirk, You managed to get a hit on him but he soon tackled you on the ground with a smirk and made u stare deeply into his eyes and You started to feel dizzy the last thing u heard was deku yelling and Policemen yelling.

Bakugo was Just putting a villain in cuffs and shoving him harshly into the police car the villain glared at Bakugo while the police car sped off bakugo scoffed "What a shitty day" he grumbled a phone call erupted his thoughts which made him groan under his breath and picked up the phone it was Deku
"Kacchan you there?!" "Hah?! What do you want shitty nerd can't you see I'm busy" "It's about Kirishima and H/N they-" Bakugo could hear 2 kids crying in the background

"I'll explain to you when you get here.." Deku said while trying to shush the children and then the call ended Bakugo quickly got into his car and drove to the agency

When he got there he saw his greened haired rival holding saw 2 sleeping familiar toddlers in each of his arms, one had Red eyes and black hair with a red onesie on, and one with short H/C hair with big E/c Eyes and F/c Onesie with pacifier in their mouth.

Bakugou  looked in Shocked when he see the 2 babies sleeping "Could that be Eijiro and y/n?" Bakugou thought as he stared at the 2 babies blankly Izuku started to explain "I saw these 2 like this when I got up there the villain was gone and saw 2 covered in their clothes crying and naked" Bakugou groaned as he grabbed the 2 toddlers still asleep he grumbled out thanks to Izuku and went to the car he drove to the store for extra clothes, Toys, pacifiers.

While he was trying to get food and Kirishimas protein powder a bunch of fans crowded around them making him unable to move forward the crowd wanted shoving, Yelling out his name, shoving a pencil or a piece of paper as a sigh that they wanted an autograph when bakugou notice they you and Kiri where tearing up and whimpering that's when he had enough "SHUT UP" He yelled and the crowd quickly went silent and stopped everything, the 2 toddlers started crying and squirming.

Bakugou quickly shoved past the crowd while they stood there in shock and went to the cashier and threw the money at the poor woman "Keep the change" and dashed to his car and drove his way home.

When they got home, you and Kiri were squirming around and wanted to be put down so he put you 2 down and try to cook something for the 2 while cooking he notice you were playing with Bakugos all might figurines and Kiri with his crimson riot action figure he had as a kid, you and kiri we're making the dolls hit each other and kiri started to whine, "no!" he protested trying to get his toy, you stared at him for a moment and smacked him on the head with your baby hand.

Kiri began to cry which startled you and you started to cry as well while Bakugou is progressing what the fuck did he just see "You dumbasses, sometimes I wondered how we ended up in a relationship " He said while picking you 2 up and gently rocking while cooing at the 2 toddlers.

The food was done and the 3 of you started to eat you and Kiri had macaroni with little plastic spoons and bowls with fruit in ur sippy cups while Bakugo had katsu don, meanwhile, Kirishima was in his 3rd place of macaroni while still whining wanting more "Ejiro you went through 3 bowls and you're still hungry?!" All the red-haired toddler did was make grabby hands at the bowl Katsuki rolled his eyes and gave him the bowl which he happily ate.

Once you 2 were done eating y'all had a bath which Katsuki decides to join in you were aggressively splashing in the water playing with the all-might figure while Kiri was admiring the
bubbles and popping them which made him giggle.

"Oi stops with that slashing brat" Katsuki warned which only made u splash even more your boyfriend grabbed you and started at you with those red glowing eyes which made u giggle even more which made Katsuki smirk "Hah?! What's so funny brat ur babbling things I don't know" He teased while drying you off with a towel which made ur hair all poofy and made Kiri giggle too "U got something to say too Shitty hair?!" He grabbed Kiri with the towel and started to ruffle his hair and dried him off.

Once you got dried off you got into you and Kiri got into cute matching shark onesies Kiri got the red one and you got the f/c onesie, Bakugo got into his boxers and t-shirt and went into bed with you 2 and kissed both of you goodnight "Let's hope this shitty quirk wears off tomorrow I want my idiots back" He said while holding the 2 toddlers both around his arms protectively and drifted off to sleep.

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