~Chapter Thirty-Eight~

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"What's with the tarp and canvas?" Ashlyn curiously asked as she watched Apple drape a white apron over her neck, tying it behind her back.

"Well, I know how much Raven loves artsy stuff, so I figured I should make her a painting."

"Oh, I see what you're doing," Ashlyn responded with a smirk. "You're trying to win her over."

Apple's cheeks burned with a red tint as she tied her hair back behind her head. Raven's words repeated in her head. I love you. Even though it was a month ago, the phrase kept repeating itself in her head. Did Raven really mean it? Or did she mean platonic love? Either way, Ashlyn was right. She was trying to win Raven over.

"I'm not! I'm just doing a nice thing for a friend. What's wrong with that?"

Ashlyn snickered. "Mhm. For a friend that you want to ask out?"

"Shut up!" Apple laughed. She took a couple of bottles of paint out of one of her tote bags, setting them down on a small, wooden rolling table next to the canvas.

"Do you know how to paint?" Ashlyn curiously asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow. "'Cus the last time I saw you try, you made the biggest mess I've seen in my entire life.

"Well...no. I don't really know how to. But it can't be that hard, right?"

Apple turned back to the canvas, observing the blank space that had been left at her disposal.



"Thanks again for letting us use your kitchen, Ginger," Raven said with a smile, waving to Ginger Breadhouse as she stood in the doorway.

"No probs, Raven! Just remember to lock up once you're done." And with that, Ginger left a shiny set of keys near the door, before exiting the room.

"So, what are we doing here? The last time you tried making Mac and cheese you somehow ended up setting the pot on fire." Cerise asked, looking around the kitchen as she hauled herself onto one of the counters, sitting on the pink quartz.

"Okay, first off, that wasn't my fault. That was Briar's. Second, if I plan on asking out the literal future Snow White, I need to do something nice for her."

"So? What does that have to do with Ginger's kitchen?" Cerise asked, watching as Raven flipped through pages in a cookbook.

"You know how much she loves apple pie. I'm gonna make her one."

Cerise stifled a laugh. "You? Bake? I'm sorry, Raven. I know I'm supposed to be supportive of you and all, but seriously, I think this is a little dangerous."

"It'll be fine. I've watched Apple bake them a million times before."

"You've watched Apple. Raven, Apple could make one perfectly while blindfolded. You couldn't make one to save your life."

"Says who?" Raven asked, collecting ingredients from around the room.

"Says your dozens of failed cooking attempts."

"It can't be that hard."



Ashlyn desperately tried to stifle a laugh as she watched Apple panic and try to get the paint out of her eyes.


"It's paint, Apple. Not liquid mercury."

"It may as well be" Apple looked up and blinked a couple of times.

"How did you get the paint in your eyes anyways? It was going fine until you dropped to your knees and started yelling."

"Your guess is as good as mine."

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