~Chapter Thirty-Three~

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"You will never shut up about that, will you?" Cerise groaned, watching as the group of girls around her burst into laughter. The sun had begun to set once more, and the seniors were gathered around a campfire again. Cerise, Maddie, Briar and Ashlyn had taken a trip down memory lane while the sun fell behind the trees, and the fire began growing larger in the fire pit.

"By the way, where's Raven and Apple?" Ashlyn curiously asked once the group stopped cackling, looking around.

"They said they needed to get something from their tent, but considering it's been 15 minutes I think that it may have led to...something else..." Briar said, a smirk growing on her face.

Cerise, Briar and Ashlyn exchanged a look, knowing exactly what Briar was hinting at.

Maddie confusedly looked around her, raising an eyebrow. "What else?"

None of them dared tell Maddie what Briar meant, so they all just glanced around at each other for a moment in silence.

"...they're being gay."



"Ok, but seriously, there is no way that those two are straight."

"We know, Cerise." Ashlyn said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Before any further questions could be asked, Raven and Apple emerged from the darkness of the back of the campsite, joining the group. They sat side by side on a log, chuckling with each other.

Briar and Cerise glanced at each other, exchanging a grin.

"Did you two find what you needed so suddenly?"

"No. I think we forgot it." Raven explained.

"Really? Is that why you took so long?" Briar inquired, suppressing her laughter.

"Well, that and something else." Raven said, glancing at Apple.

"Which is...?"

"Apple's huge fear of spiders." Raven laughed before continuing. "She cries when one gets too close to her."

"I do not!" Apple exclaimed, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Mhm. Right, princess. Everyone believes that." Raven smirked, looking at the group.

"WHA- Princess?!" Apple blurted out, her cheeks going even more red.

"So, what happened with the spiders that took you 15 minutes?" Maddie asked.

"Well, we couldn't find the flashlights, so we were about to come back to the fire, but, of course, hell broke loose because there was a spider in our tent."

"It was the size of my hand! I could have died!" Apple defended herself.

"She literally made my light it on fire before she could even think about going back into the tent." Raven jerked her thumb in the direction of Apple, before turning her head to face the girl. "You held onto me so hard I thought I was gonna lose circulation in my arms."

Apple rolled her eyes, refusing to admit she was embarrassed by the whole situation.

"I am not that scared of them."

"Oh really?" Raven smirked, glancing up at Cerise. She gave her a "should I?" Look, followed by a very smug nod from Cerise.

Raven turned her head back towards Apple, looking at the ground below them.

"Oh, a spider." Raven said, sounding incredibly calm and nonchalant about it, compared to Apple. Apple's eyes immediately widened and she let out a high pitched scream, throwing her arms around Raven's torso and holding onto her tightly. She squeezed her eyes shut and hauled her legs behind her on the log, looking genuinely terrified.

Raven looked down at Apple, slightly surprised by her reaction. She looked around at the girls surrounding her, not knowing what to do.

"Uh...it's okay, Apple. You can open your eyes." Raven chuckled, placing a hand on Apple's back.

"No I can't! It's going to gouge my eyes out!"

Briar and Ashlyn gave each other a look of surprise.

"I don't know what kind of traumatizing experience you've had with spiders, Apple, but last time I checked they don't gouge people's eyes out." Briar reassured her, watching as Apple clung onto Raven like a small child.

"Apple, please. It was a joke...I can't breathe." Raven begged her.

"No." Apple bluntly stated, keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"Dear god...do you need to go back to the tent?"


"Then get up."


Raven rolled her eyes, smiling softly. "Are you taking advantage of the fact that I can carry you easily?"

"So what if I am?"

Raven chuckled, already wrapping her arms around Apple. "If you insist."

"I'll be right back, guys." Raven stated, standing up and holding Apple in her arms with ease.

They watched as the two girls left, processing what they had just seen.

"I literally told every single one of you." Cerise boasted, grinning and crossing her arms.

"Well, even if they are in love, with Apple's family? No way. Snow White would never in a million years let Apple date Raven." Briar commented.

"But isn't that the best part? It's a tale as old as time. Two rival families with the children who fall in love. It's even better because they're the representatives for the Royals and Rebels. Those two are walking proof that opposites attract." Ashlyn exclaimed, seeming overly excited about the possibility of a relationship between Apple and Raven.

"But even then, it would be pretty risky for both of them, wouldn't it?" Briar asked.

"High risk, high reward, my friend." Cerise smiled. "I wouldn't be surprised if one of them just dropped to one knee tomorrow and pulled out a ring. I've never seen two people fall that fast for each other."

"Only time will tell. Maybe it will work out." Briar said, looking at her friends.


The group watched as the fire crackled and illuminated the students gathered around it, who were talking, laughing, and messing around with their friends. The moon hung above the students, completely the image of the night sky.


Word count: 961

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