~Chapter Eighteen~

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Apple woke up in Raven's arms, once again. She had been having stress dreams and nightmares almost every night, and Raven offered her to sleep in Raven's bed. Although it didn't completely cure her anxiety, it sure did help.

All of this affection was really unlike Raven, but Apple enjoyed it.

Apple looked at the digital clock on Raven's bedside table, and they still had an hour until the castleteria opened for breakfast. Apple cuddled back into Raven's arms, salvaging her time with Raven.

After a few minutes, Apple felt a kiss on the top of her head and a gentle hand on her cheek. Raven didn't know Apple was awake.

"I love you, Apple. I'm going crazy trying to deny it." Raven whispered.

Apple wished she could just spring up, tell Raven that she loved her too, kiss her, let it all out. But something told her that Raven didn't mean it.

From all these thoughts, Apple unknowingly tightened her grip around Raven's waist.

Raven got a bit started at Apple's sudden movement, but she didn't move or make a noise, as to not wake Apple up.

Raven put a hand on Apple's head, Admiring her soft, blonde hair.

Raven didn't even notice Cerise and Maddie enter the room. Raven had given Maddie a spare key to her dorm in case something happened.

Maddie and Cerise walked into the dorm, immediately spotting Apple clinging onto Raven, and Raven petting Apple's head.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Raven whisper-screamed at them

Cerise held her mouth, trying not to scream from laughter.

Raven was a flustered mess, still not moving. "GET OUT" she angrily whispered at the two.

"Raven's in love with aaaappppleeeee" Maddie teased her.


Maddie and Cerise continued to make stupid little heart shapes with their hands and tease Raven about it.

After a few moments, Apple shifted ever so slightly, nuzzling deeper into Raven's arms, causing everyone in the room to pause.

"AWWWWW" Maddie and Cerise said quietly in unison, rubbing it in.

"Why are you even here?" Raven whispered

"We were gonna ask you if you wanted to get breakfast in the castleteria" Cerise said "But we can see your a little busy"

"We'll leave you to your girlfrieeeeeend" Maddie sang, grinning at Raven.

Raven blushed harder, watching the two leave the room.

Raven's head fell back onto the pillow, as she sighed.

Those two will never let me see the end of this. She thought.

She looked down at Apple and smiled, planting another kiss on her head.

Word count: 427

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