~Chapter Twenty-Three~

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A few days later, it was lunch. Raven's mind had been filled with worry about the letters. She had already given this mysterious blackmailer what they wanted, but it was still bothering her. Like she almost knew they were going to do it again. On top of all that, Apple had gotten sick too.

Raven was stressing out to the brink of insanity. She needed a second to breathe, but even that was getting hard to find.

She dropped her lunch tray by Cerise and Maddie, before picking up the second one she had put on the table a few minutes prior.

"I'm gonna run this to Apple." She stated, not even allowing Cerise or Maddie to get a word in. Her mind continued to flood with thoughts as she walked down the dormitory hallway.

She was walking when she heard...someone.

"I know, but you and I both know how much we could get out of Raven for this."

Raven felt her blood boil. But what could she do? She couldn't tell anyone that she was being blackmailed. Raven couldn't make out the voice, but two things were obvious.

It was multiple people,

This was not coming to an end any time soon.

The room went silent after that as if they knew Raven could hear them.

Raven stood there for a moment, processing what she had just heard. What did she do now? Should she break down the door? Ignore it? Leave? Knock?

She just wanted to scream, cry, punch whoever those people were. This was terrible.

Raven snapped out of her trance, remembering what she was going to do in the first place.

Once she finally reached her dorm, there it was.


She tore it off the door, placing the tray down, and opening the letter to read it.

"You're safe for now, but I have more planned."

Raven angrily groaned, ripping the letter up, burning parts of it subconsciously. She sat down, burying her head in her knees.

She tried her hardest not to break down then and there in the middle of the hallway. Despite her best efforts, she felt multiple tears falling from her eyes. She didn't deserve this.

"You need to end this with Apple right now. It'll hurt her a lot less than losing her happily ever after."

Apple had always been so stubborn about everyone playing their part. Raven was doing this to protect both of them...Right?

After Raven had composed herself, she entered the dark dorm room, seeing Apple asleep, once again. She placed the tray down next to Apple's bed, lightly shaking her awake.

Apple groggily woke up but still flashed a smile at Raven.

"Thanks for bringing me lunch," Apple said, taking the tray into her hands.

She looked like a huge mess, barely having the energy to stand up. 

Raven sat on the edge of Apple's bed. "Feeling any better?" She asked. Her hands shook at what she was about to tell her.

"Not really," Apple chuckled. "You've been getting a lot of mail lately. What's that about?"

Raven panicked for a moment, not knowing what to tell her. "Junk mail I guess."

Apple, obviously, did not believe this. She just chuckled and ate her food.

Raven took a deep breath, preparing herself for what was about to happen.

"Apple, I have to tell you something." She asserted, trying to sound serious but not too stern.

"Anything," Apple calmly responded, smiling at her.

Raven stared at her for a moment. She couldn't do this. She would find another way around this blackmail. This would hurt both of them way more than she anticipated.

Raven simply smiled at Apple, her expression softening, before stating; "Feel better."

With that, Raven stood up, placed a kiss on Apple's forehead, and quickly left the room.

Once she was out, Raven took a deep breath, preparing herself for the worst.

Word count: 653

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