Extra: A Wedding

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The moon shone brightly in it's full wonderous beauty to some as the night went on. A celebration being in the air as one family and many of it's friends were celebrating two things. One being a marriage of a man who had found happiness again, the other of his child coming home. Teo's dad Gerard and her new step mum Sarah smiled as they saw their daughter being back in their lives again. Yet part of them wondered for how long she had really gone for while another part of their minds questioned where she really went for all that time she'd disappeared. "Hey again Jack" Teo said with a smile as she glanced slightly behind herself, her brother in the corner of her eye as he went up to her, herself indulging with the contents of a chocolate fountain. "Hey again dork" Jack replied making her chuckle before she finished putting food on her plate. The brunette's little brother asked why she was choosing to sit at the single's table instead of the head table with the other relatives, yet Teo just said that he knew why. Teo still remembering as she left the buffet what her brother had told his crush Amy when she was in heaven with the princess of hell herself. Her brother just looking at her confused not knowing how she found out about a conversation she wasn't apart of . She started to eat her food and glanced at the other singles at the table. Only one being of a man who looked at least one to three years older then her and having black hair that she thought made him look slightly handsome. Yet someone else was at the party who her brother was wanting her to become an item with. "Did you get what I asked for?" Teo asked as she glanced at her new ring, the gold band around her finger going well with her outfit and the glass stone in the middle made it look nicer, Jack helping out his sister with her request even though he wondered if someone gave her the ring or where she got it from. The others having the same questions, yet she knew tonight was not really for the past.

Down in hell itself over at a night club, at least a year had went by for everyone since the brunette was down in their world. Yet despite Charlie insisting that a human was once at her hotel and she was able to get her back to earth. Many in hell still didn't go to her hotel, many demons seeing her story as being the delusions only someone drunk or high might buy into if they were lucky. Yet for those who were at the hotel at the time, they knew she was real and wondered how her life was. "Hey Husk. Wanna go on the dancefloor again?" Angle asked after he finished taking a shot of tequila as the spider demon and the bartender sat in their seats. The music being nice, yet the former overlord didn't feel like wanting to party to it. Part of his mind still missing her as he still just had the memories of her time there. Yet he wondered what she would choose again if angles didn't do yearly exterminations and try to drown the pentagram in blood if heaven really wanted to. Husk said he was okay and asked the bartender for a bottle of cheep booze, Angle just saying it was his lose before he went to change the music, leaving him alone. Husk let out a small sigh after he took a sip of his drink yet heard someone sit down next to him and saw it was a new demon to hell. "I need a drink. Something with chocolate in it" the demon said and Husk thought in his mind that the voice was familiar, yet it was getting more and more clouded from alcohol. The bartender poured her a drink yet soon she took the bottle saying that she wanted that instead of the small glass she was being given. The female demon grumbled under her breath and the former overlord couldn't help but try to work out what was going on next to him. Her voice still making him wonder, yet he thought her life couldn't be over yet, even though he didn't really know how time worked in hell compared to time on earth.

"Do I know you? I think this shit is getting to me" Husk asked as he glanced to her and saw she had long brown hair with streaks of red in it at the front. Her skin looking slightly grey and ashen and her eyes were a light red. Her outfit being of just distressed denim shorts with a dark grey hoodie and a black top underneath it. "If your trying to flirt with me then fuck off. I'm not in the mood" the demon replied. Her voice having anger in it before she took a swig of her bottle and wiped the small amount coming down from her lips with her sleeve. The voice now making Husk's mind yell at himself to think, yet he didn't know if it was someone he wanted to see again just yet even though he missed her. The music soon changed to one that might make a person dance the night away and both demons noticed with the female demon looking like she'd heard the song before. She said that the song was interesting as she'd heard it before when she was still alive, yet adding that it was also the last song she heard before she died. She took another sip of her drink and the bartender asked what happened to her for herself to end up in hell and so angry about it. The female only glancing at the floor for a moment before putting the bottle down and playing with her charm bracelet, herself staying quiet before she then decided to talk. "I had a good life for a little bit when I was alive..." she started. Saying she met a guy at a wedding and he seemed attractive, yet even though she started to date him. Her brother seemed to wish she'd fallen for someone else instead. Husk nodded his head to show he was listening and she continued with her story before saying both her and her boyfriend lost their lives in an accident. The bartender soon wanted to know more, thinking maybe she and her boyfriend just broke up in hell. Yet what she said next made him feel for sure that the two of them had met before.

The unknown demon said that her and her boyfriend went up to heaven's pearly gates and it looked nice, yet even though both their names were in a book of souls that could enter heaven's gates. An angle looked at her angrily and crossed out her name before sending her down to hell. Husk felt a growl get stuck in his throat upon hearing the news. Part of him being surprised that angles in heaven could sink to this new kind of low before wondering why an angle would dare do such a thing. "And now I'm here in just...this. Just drinking this flavoured vodka and talking to you....this really is hell" she said before feeling the desire to throw her bottle at the wall of the club. "...if you want to try and get redeemed then I know where you can go" Husk said deciding to be nice to her. Part of him going into denial and that she was maybe just another demon who was kicked down there, Yet part of him wanted to be sure she'd get into heaven if she wanted to. Even if he had to get in the angels way himself. She thanked him for his offer before saying she somehow felt something was familiar, the gears in her head turning before she wished she wasn't dead. Her last words making her chuckle, yet it made everything in the bartender's mind click.  "...Teo?" he asked leaving her surprised. Her eyes swimming with questions before she got angry again and demanded answers as he tried to get her to remember her time in hell before. "...whatever you insane hairball. I'm going somewhere else to get a fucking drink" she replied getting ready to storm off. "Just Listen" Husk shouted before a green glowing chain magically appeared around her neck and stopped her in her tracks. Other demons not really paying much mind to it, yet Angle rushed over asking what was going on.

Husk said that Teo was back yet the spider demon said it couldn't be possible and the brunette could have been any demon in hell. Angle Dust thinking she was still alive somewhere on earth, living a full life, yet he was also surprised seeing the bartender having this kind of power. The same kind that an overlord would have. Angle said that Teo still had to be alive yet the bartender argued that she wasn't, adding that she died with her boyfriend not too long ago. Only getting more attention on them all and both of them more angry at each other. "...I feel this fog lifting...." she muttered while starting to hold her head. As if the demon was trying to get her mind to think. "...Angle?" Teo asked before she felt her mind finally clear and she remembered all her friends in hell from before. The owner of the night club angrily came out asking for the three demons to leave. Angle soon replying that they were going before they left to go elsewhere, somewhere they now all remembered. The porn demon had a sad smile on his face being happy to see her again, yet also saddened that her life was cut short after she appeared to find happiness after getting her second chance. Angle and the brunette soon had a catch up on how things were for all of them, yet two questions entered his head as they got closer and refused to go away. "Is Alastor going to try and take your soul again?" Angle asked, remembering all the times when the radio demon tried before she could finally go back to earth. "Nope" Teo replied with a small smile, saying that someone else owned her soul now. Yet she wasn't really worried about it that much. Husk only letting out a small smile and soon the three arrived back at the hotel again to be met by Charlie and Vaggie. "Want to try redemption again, doll face?" the bartender asked as he still smiled at her. "Maybe if it's appealing Husky" Teo replied. Knowing that for now even though she might be in hell again, eternity might not be so bad if she stayed there or not. Husk still keeping his word to his once human friend about keeping her safe. Part of him wondering that if he was able to open up her heart again, then maybe one day she could do the same for his own.

The End.

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who read this story surrounding Hazbin Hotel. Really enjoyed writing this and trying to make it my own. Looking forward to watching season 2 of Hazbin Hotel whenever it comes out. As for right now I hope you all liked reading this story of mine and feel free to read some of my other ones on Wattpad. 

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