Chapter 3: In Need of A Drink

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It was the dead of night in hell and inside a hotel meant to help rehabilitate sinners, one human was in the middle of an even worse experience then being in hell itself. Teo saw herself in a courtyard outside her dad and step mum's wedding venue and the party seemed to be in full swing. The happy couple dancing with each other and her brother with his date while they spent time at the wedding's buffet table. The cold night air outside making her shiver slightly, yet she still wanted to be outside. The area being lit up by things like fairy lights and making the outside look just as nice as the inside of the venue. Yet a part of her refused to bury the hatchet. All the lights in the area went out at once and the brunette was plunged into darkness as she heard everyone in the venue scream before everything went eerily quiet. The brunette woke up with a gasp and slightly dripping in cold sweat as her nightmare came to an end. Soon glancing at the alarm clock by the side of her bed and read it was now half an hour to midnight. "Need something to get my mind off of this stuff" she muttered to herself. Teo quickly remembered that there was a bar downstairs at the lobby and wondered if it was still open. Still remembering the winged cat demon who stood behind it yet part of her questioned if he was already asleep. "...fuck it. I need something to make me forget this" she grumbled to herself. Taking her room key and then trying to remember her way back to her room from the bar. The brunette looked around and thought the pictures looked extra creepy in the dead of night, the pictures making her pick up pace before she finally made it downstairs to the lobby. The place looking empty and just as quiet as the rest of the hotel. Making her think she was the only one awake now. Teo only having seen in person Charlie, Vaggie, Angle Dust and Husk. But she didn't know if meeting Nifty or Alastor would end up giving her more nightmares since she now knew she was in hell.

"It's you again. If your going to try and swipe more of my booze then forget it" Husk grumbled making her turn to see the bartender was still awake. Yet he looked like he wanted to either get drunk or go to bed already. Teo said that she just wanted something to drink before adding that she thought chocolate milk wasn't going to help her from what she was going through. Walking down to the bar stools and taking a seat across from him. "Pick your poison. I ain't got all night" Husk replied. The brunette asked for something fruity yet could make her forget something bad and Husk raised an eyebrow saying she must have been in a 'drinking to forget' sort of mood. He looked back at all the alcohol he had and then found a bottle of strawberry flavoured vodka deciding to give her a glass. He gave her the drink and she muttered a thanks before he put the bottle back. She decided to drink it now instead of ask why the bartender was being quiet. Part of her imagining her brother complaining about it, yet she knew her brother wasn't in hell while she was. Her face recoiled from the taste and she muttered saying a 'not bad' yet Husk could tell from her face that she was mainly lying to herself. "There's no point in you now wasting my booze if you don't even like this stuff" Husk said. Sounding annoyed as usual. Teo grumbled that she still needed to forget something and said that her mum tried several different alcohols with her as soon as she hit 18. She took another large sip and swallowed it down saying it was a little better. Her face still recoiling and the bartender decided to bother talking to her. Also giving her a warning as well.

"You know, you aren't gonna find a solution to any of your problems with that glass. Even if I gave you the whole bottle you'd only make things worse for yourself...what made you come down here to bother me anyways..." Husk asked, remembering that he used to drink a lot and that if she turned to alcohol, she'd end up in the same boat as he very much was. Teo sighed saying she had a nightmare, explaining that it felt so scary to her that she needed to forget it the very next second. The brunette trying to put her words in a way he might not call her a baby and make her time in hell even worse. The cat demon didn't tell her to get lost though so she let out a sigh and said her nightmare started at her dad's wedding. She explained the beauty of the venue, the look of her step mum's wedding dress and even what the couple had put down onto the buffet table. The brunette saying she was once at a wedding for an uncle and aunt that went badly and her brother muttered the next family wedding wouldn't be as much of a disaster. "The scenery where I was outside looked perfect...a place where I could get a kiss and get my happily ever after...but then things went wrong..." Teo said as she recounted the worst part of her dream. The lights all going out and the screams all at once before the deathly silence. She said that she went inside and the whole place was dark. The wind outside starting to blow and thunder clouds started to cover the moon, making things even more dark inside. The lights flickered for a second and the brunette gasped seeing that everyone was laying on the ground. Looking like they'd all died where they sat or stood. "oh god" Teo remembered herself saying as she looked at all the lives that had been cut so tragically short. The moon soon getting covered all together, before things hit a terrifying conclusion as the room was nearly in total darkness.

Teo said that her nightmare ended with all the dead wedding attendants from the flower girl to the DJ were all chanting one by one "Dead by Dawn". The room's only source of light being whatever natural light from outside was left and all the guest's haunting red eyes. She tried to get out of the room but all the doors closed, leaving her trapped before she opened her eyes when one of the guests tried to lunge for her throat. "Intense shit...guess flavoured milk wouldn't be enough to make you forget that" Husk said, before asking if there was a reason why she had a nightmare surrounding a wedding. Teo replied that her dad was getting remarried after years of being single following a divorce. Taking another sip of the strawberry vodka before Husk asked if she wanted to go or not. "My brother thinks that at the wedding I can move on with my life. Maybe find a boyfriend at the 'single's table'. But there is no way that will happen again" Teo replied. Finishing the rest of her glass before saying that three years ago she was cat fished online and made to look like a fool for someone else's twisted amusement. "I heard from my parents they said they were sorry for me. But I thought it was all horse shit. So now here I am. Drinking fruity booze, talking to a bartender who does...whatever" Teo went on. The brunette wanting to get another glass thinking she needed more vodka and the bartender just rolled his eyes before letting out a sigh before debating on giving her another drink. Husk then starting to recall his own past before he said he got his own heart broken too. "When I was alive I fought for my country in Vietnam...but after one mistake led me on the journey to hell. I was sent home with barely two legs and I turned to booze and gambling to cope..." Husk said. Glancing at his own bottle of cheap booze before saying he got so drunk he pushed all his relatives away. Before adding there was a girl in town who even liked him. Yet he pushed her away like everyone else. "All I did was one mistake and I died with no money, no booze and a heart I made myself shatter...If Only I Tried to Not Blow Myself Up!" Husk said before he threw the bottle he was holding to the floor. 

"...I think Vietnam was in the 70s. When I was born it was the 90s. That war ended long ago. And somehow I deserved to go to hell after saving my mum" Teo said. Adding she felt really sorry for Husk yet the brunette didn't know why others would feel sorry for strangers going through things that were beyond anyone's control. Husk glanced up at her instead of the puddle of booze littered with broken glass and silently asked how. Before the brunette explained that her mum was supposed to fight a war in Afghanistan, yet was held back because she was pregnant with her. "I'm sorry your life went to shit...even though I don't think Id've been able to make it better or worse...and sorry for snatching your booze to threaten Angle with it" Teo said. "It's alright.  The war was finished before you were Angle does have a tendency to drive me up the fucking wall" Husk said. Adding he once threatened to do the same to the spider demon before. Then gave her another glass of strawberry vodka making the brunette surprised. "you do know I have no money to pay for this?" Teo said thinking now whatever free stuff would come to an end because of her lack of money.  "It's on the house...even though I doubt Charlie's redemption bullshit. You don't know if you deserve to be here yet" Husk said. His words making part of her want to say more. Yet she chose not to. Thinking it was already late enough as it was and Husk saw a look in her eyes for just a second, before they both finished their drinks and Husk offered to walk her back to her hotel room. The brunette giggled a little saying that her mum was right about vodka before the bartender said if she hadn't met Nifty or Alastor already, she would do soon. "Be especially careful around Alastor. Don't make the same mistake I did...or else you'll be stuck having made a choice. and know you can't take things back" Husk said as they finally got to her door. He opened the door for her and set her down on the bed. The brunette not knowing in her drunkenness if she had a friend already, yet the two said good night to each other before she went to sleep.

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