Chapter 4: Learning

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It was now a new day in hell and everyone in the Hazbin Hotel was waking up. Charlie did her morning routine and looked in the mirror feeling nervous. She knew that hell was dealing with an overpopulation problem and thought that angels coming down to slaughter as many sinners as possible wasn't really the best option. She finished putting the last item into her hair to get it how it usually was and couldn't help but sigh making her girlfriend Vaggie take notice. "You doing okay?" Vaggie asked. "I don't know...I hope we can help" Charlie replied. Knowing that she still hadn't gotten a reply from her mum Lilith, her dad Lucifer seemed to only call her when he was bored and everyone in hell saw her hotel as the biggest joke in all of the nine circles. She worried that if things didn't go well with the brunette then she questioned how she could get a demon out of hell if she failed with her. Vaggie said for Charlie to give it her all as usual and keep on trying before adding that once she was able to get a human out of hell then demons might start to come pounding at the doors to be let in. Charlie letting out a small smile before she reminded her that Teo did exactly that. "I know. Now lets get to work" Vaggie said before kissing her girlfriend and the two left to go to the lobby of the hotel. "Uuh...stupid nightmare...stupid regrets though..." Teo said as she tried to make herself wake up before her head started to pound and make herself regret the hangover from getting drunk with Husk last night. She got out of bed and went to her closet seeing once again only the two dresses she had come with her to hell. The brunette decided to wear the first dress she bought for herself, but she remembered she bought it long before her dad told her that he was getting remarried. 

She went downstairs with her hair being slightly greasy and smelled a little, but she knew that with Charlie's help and if she was lucky, her time in hell would be short and maybe not so bad. Yet what stuck in her stinging mind most was Husk's warning about Alastor. "Hey new kid. Nice dress. Wanna hook up with someone?" Angle asked as he came downstairs and saw her pink dress. The brunette only having a pair of panties underneath it and her back was partially showing through the dress's open back. Yet even more showed because she didn't have a bra. Teo said she had no interest at the moment before her stomach started to growl and her head started to feel sour again. "Charlie, I'm not usually impatient but can we go shopping today, please? I need some things...even though I don't really want to be too much of a burden to you" Teo asked. Hoping for things not to be taken the wrong way. The princess of hell said it was okay and that they could do it after their first workshop. The reply making her curious before her headache started again. "memo to self. avoid vodka...stupid headache" Teo muttered as she walked over to the bar where Husk was arriving, the winged cat demon letting out a yawn and already holding another bottle of cheap booze. "you seem new here. You look in distress...I can help get rid of your hangover if we make a won't miss what you'll give up for it" a new voice for the brunette said. Making her turn around and see a man with red eyes and a monachal, yet his voice became sinister and distorted with radio static at the end making her become instantly terrified.  " thanks" the brunette quivered out. Charlie soon coming over and telling the demon off before she introduced him as Alastor, the hotel manager. "hmm...another time perhaps" Alastor replied before he walked off. Charlie asked if she was okay and Teo said she'd be fine once she had breakfast, along with stuff to make sure she didn't stink up all of hell.

Once breakfast was over it was time for the first workshop of the day. Charlie having a smile that made the brunette think the princess was like a child celebrating their birthday in a candy store while others looked not as happy to be there. Husk just rolling his eyes before putting his now empty bottle of cheap booze down and started to clean other bottles. "okay guys now lets name is Charlie. I like to sing..." Charlie said as she started a small ice breaker and clapping twice in between her sentences. The action making part of the brunette want go straight to the bar again while another part just wanted to scowl thinking her stay in hell would be a lot longer then at it's current rate. Charlie then gestured for Teo to try it and she internally wanted to roll her eyes. Yet still give things a try at least once. "my name is Teo. I like to read. and even though I'm in hell, I want to throw my brother down here since he's at fault for this" Teo said as she clapped until the end where she balled up one of her fists and had a smile that was clearly fake. Angle said that she seemed to have a short fuse before he said the ice breaker was stupid and needed to get drunk again. "Well you two better get used to this and learn how to play, cause this is gonna be your whole day..." Vaggie said looking at Angel before looking at Teo and asking how her own brother was at fault for her ending up in hell before she was even dead. Teo opened her mouth to complain more before she stopped and thought. Soon saying she didn't know before saying someone was at fault and she didn't think it was herself. The workshop soon ended and Charlie pulled the brunette aside to talk to her in private, asking if she was feeling okay. Teo just replying that her day went off to a bad start due to how little she had along with a nightmare and getting drunk.

Charlie asked if her hangover was gone and Teo slowly nodded her head since it had mostly gone away and the princess asked Vaggie if she wanted to come with them, wanting to make sure the human guest's stay was pleasant. The fallen angle said that she wasn't sure since they didn't know how much money they had, but Charlie said she could gladly pay since she was Lucifer's daughter and heir to the thrown after Teo said she forget to take her piggy bank with her when she arrived in hell. The others watched the three woman leave and Husk felt part of him want to smile thinking Teo had guts to say no to Alastor the first time he tried to make a deal for her soul. Yet he didn't know if things would be even worse for her if Charlie wasn't there to put a stop to things. Imagining things might be different if what was being offered was something more then just getting rid of a hangover. Charlie, Vaggie and Teo walked down the streets of hell. Some demons panicking because of the upcoming extermination while others were doing their usual things of stuff like violence and murder. Showing what some would indefinity say was the worst in humanity. Teo wondered how things were going on earth since she had a part in her dad's wedding all be it small. Yet she guessed that her part could easily be filled by someone else if the wedding was still going ahead at all since she was quickly approaching a day since she arrived in this hellhole. They walked past a store and Teo saw a dress that made her stop and blink a few times thinking she was seeing things. The mannequin showing a dress that was similar to the one she was wearing, yet the dress was a dark grey and the open back had bits of fabric that slightly draped down around it. The outfit also having leather knee high boots and the brunette thought she'd look great in it, yet guessed it might be too expensive. 

Charlie noticed the dress as well when she turned around and smiled saying she would look amazing in it. Teo muttering out an 'I don't know' but Charlie said she could at least try it on. She found the outfit in the store and after buying more casual items with more shoes, bras, panties and even toiletries they finally started to head back to the hotel. "I guess this is one thing in hell that isn't so bad for you Teo" Vaggie said as she saw the brunette smiling as she held her new clothes, already wearing her new shoes. The brunette agreed saying she used to enjoy shopping with her mum, yet sometimes felt that she didn't want a daughter adding that she also felt her name at birth was meant for boys. Soon wondering out loud if her mum somehow done something to send her there. But Vaggie made her stop and say that maybe her time would go faster if she focused on getting herself out of hell by trying to stick to being redeemed instead of focusing on who sent her there in the first place. The brunette let out a sigh before saying she guessed Vaggie was right, soon asking if Charlie really liked singing to which she was told she sang on TV, before things ended that day with her in a fight with a reporter. "Hey Husk...we're back" Teo said with a small smile on her face again. "Guess you survived your first full day in hell" Husk replied, yet he still looked a little annoyed from Angle trying to hit on him earlier. The brunette said she had an okay time yet wouldn't have minded trying other booze earlier since she was in hell. "Remember what I said Teo" Husk said. The brunette replying that she remembered before adding that she got him something in return. She took out a bottle of whisky and Husk was surprised before saying she didn't have to. Adding that they barely knew each other. "I know. Just...thanks. For what you said and not telling me to just fuck off last night" Teo said before saying she was going to have a shower and try on her new pyjamas. "Don't mention it" Husk grumbled a little yet showed a neutral face. The day ended with everyone falling asleep, and two people wondering about each other as the night went on.

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