Chapter 7 - Izuku's Pov

Start from the beginning

It was a piece of paper, I grabbed it and sat in my car, I locked the door just in case I was being followed or watched. I opened the sticky note size paper, and read it.

Мы видим тебя. ( We see you. )

If they left the note on my car, at Katsuki's apartments, they would know she lives here. I felt panic immediately rise. I have to get her out of here and into a more protected my house. At first, I asked her to move in because of Sophia, but now, she has to move for her safety. I have to figure a way out to get her to move in as fast as possible without raising suspicion. And by fast, I mean within the next three days.

I quickly turned my car on and drove off. I have a meeting in an hour and a half. I quickly got home, unbuckled Sophia from her car seat and quickly walked inside, I immediately headed towards my room. Sophia was still asleep which allowed me to lay her down on my bed. I remembered to put Katsuki's blanket on her, in case she wakes up she won't freak out, since she has something that smells like her she will calm down. I know she's super weird.

I walked out of my room, heading to my office, and as soon as I got in there I called my best bodyguard.
" Hola Izuku , ¿ que paso necesitas algo ? " ( " Hello Izuku , ¿ what happened? Need anything ? " ) He asked through the phone, " Shinso, necesito que todos los ojos esten puestos en Katsuki. Estoy bastante seguro de que los rusos saben sobre ella. Recibí una nota en mi auto esta mañana temprano, necesito que la vigiles desde lejos, te enviaré su archivo. " ( " Shinso, I need all eyes on Katsuki. I'm pretty sure the Russians know about her. I got a note on my car early this morning, I need you to watch her from afar, I will be sending her file over. " ) I said in a commanding tone. I can't let anything happen to her. Just the thought throws me into a rage, and I don't know why. Why am I feeling like this? Was Shoto's right, do I have a crush on her?

My thoughts were cut off by Shinso's voice, " Si. señor. " ( " Yes sir. " )He replied and hung up. I sent her file to Shinso. so he knows who he is watching. Shinso and I have been in the cartel business for a long time. We were childhood friends, but we have fallen out a little. It was nothing personal we just changed, but he's the most loyal person I know. That's why I am allowing him to protect Katsuki. Only the best for her.

I looked over at some paperwork, on the side of my desk. I mean I guess I'll do that.

*Katsuki's POV*

I have been at work for a few hours now. I was cleaning tables when some bodyguard looking men came in. They creepily looked around the bakery, almost like they were searching for something. Once one of them laid their eyes upon me I saw a creepy smirk make way on his face. I'm pretty sure he's the one running this, he is surrounded by men in black suits, I think the bodyguards are here for him. He's also the biggest of the four. Not fat, but tall, and pure muscle.

His gaze left a shiver going down my spine, and not in a good way. All four of them walked towards the counter, " hello what can I get you. " I asked in an unsure tone. Now all four of them were in front of the counter. The only thing that stands between us is the counter and cash register, " Ой, не надо бояться. " ( " Aw no need to be scared. " ) He said with a smirk, in Russian?

Wait ! Are they here because of Izuku? Questions were running through my head when the man spoke again, " Ты собираешься принять наш заказ, сука? " ( " Are you going to take our order, bitch. " ) He said. I'm half Russian on my mother's side to know he just called me a Bitch. " Сэр, мне не нравится, когда меня называют сука. " ( " Sir, I do not appreciate being called a bitch. " ) I said politely, I'm not trying to get murdered because of Izuku and his stupid ass cartel.

" О, так она знает русский язык. " ( " Oh, so she knows Russian. " ) I saw his creepy smirk transform into a grin. I just stood there, waiting for him to do something, whether that was for them to leave or skin me alive right there. " We'll have four black coffees. " He said, throwing down a stack of money. My eyes widened, I took a twenty dollar bill off that stack, and handed him his change and the rest of the money back, " I'll get your coffees, and here's your chance. You guys can go find a seat " I said pointing to a random table, putting the ten dollars in the register, and turning around to make the coffees. I felt them burning holes in the back of my head. Once I made the coffees I turned around and saw them still standing there. The main guy still had the stack in his hand. I brought the coffees to the counter and placed them down. I told them to sit down, but whatever, I mentally rolled my eyes.

They were just staring at me, not moving, or grabbing the coffees, " listen if you're just going to stand there, you might as well leave. " I said, putting my hand on my hip, waiting for them to leave. They didn't move a muscle . Okay, if they aren't going to leave I'll ignore them. I just turned around and started cleaning up the counters, I began cleaning the coffee machine when I heard the bell ring. I turned around to see the most buff, tallest, most tattooed man ever. My eyes winded, " Tomura. " Was the first thing he said. " Шинсо. Я вижу, Изуку послал тебя присмотреть за его игрушкой. " ( " Shinso. I see Izuku has sent you to watch after his plaything. " ) He said with a chuckle at the end. Plaything? Who - Is he talking about me?

He's talking about me, " При всем уважении, я ничья игрушка, Томура. " ( " With all due respect, I'm nobody's plaything Tomura. " ) I envisioned his name. I felt everyone's eyes on me. " Now would the four of you please leave. " I asked, looking at the group of men that have been creeping from the moment they walked in. They slowly started walking out not forgetting to look at who I think is Shinso, up and down, " До новых встреч, Кацуки. " ( " Till we meet again Katsuki. " ) Tomura said. I just rolled my eyes, watching him leave and hearing the bell go off after him. I let out a sigh of relief, looking over at Shinso standing there. " Hi, I'm Katsuki, " I said, trying to make conversation, after that intense moment.

" You should go home. " He replied. I looked him up and down, " No thanks. " I said, turning around, cleaning the already spotless counter. I would go to the kitchen, but Shinso is here. " Katsuki, you should go home. " He said in a stricter voice, " I don't think I want to, Shinso. " I said, turning around looking at him. While we were having our stare off an I heard the bell go off, and in walked in Izuku fucking Midoriya. I groaned, " Oh my god, what do you want. " I said, now shifting my attention to Izuku.

" I want you to go home, it's not safe here anymore. You should start packing anyway, you're moving in with me. " He said so casually My eyes widened, " I'm what ?! " I asked, panic evident on my face. " Katsuki it's not safe anymore, I need you to be safe, and also, Sophia needs your attention twenty four seven. " He replied, " And I remember telling you, I need to talk to you about that, no where did I agree to it. Your dumb ass put me in danger. '' I said.

He looked surprised when I said that " Don't even look at me like that Izuku, you know exactly why I'm in danger, you and your stupid fucking cartel, put me in danger. " I said now angrily, how dare he make me move, because he wasn't careful. " How do you know about that. " He said, I could see the panic in his eyes.

He also looked relieved, relieved of what? " It's all over the internet, maybe you should check it out, " I said with a shrug trying to act unbothered when in reality I'm bothered. " Oh, well you should get home and pack, I'll drive you. " He said.

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