Chapter 6

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It's 7 in the morning.

It's saturday. so I don't have any thing to do.

My tuition classes is not there.

So maybe I should do my chores and then study.

I got off my bed but as I stepped the floor I felt my head pain like someone is hammering it.

I hold my head and sat against the bed on the floor.

Why is it paining so much?

I hv to get up now so that I get time to study.

Or else, my mother will not let me study.

I cant get up.

My stomach hurts too.Maybe it's my periods.I should go and check in the bathroom.but I just cant.


I will hv to get up.

Because even lying on the bed isn't a option if I want to study under my mother's eye.

It's her holiday.

Fuck it's her holiday.

I got up and stood against the wall and walked with its support.

I walked to the bathroom and suddenly fell.

I m weak. you are pathetically worthless as well.

Yeah.. thanks for reminding.

I got up and sat on commode.

I cant get weak.

I will hv to get up.

I will hv to get myself for work.

Or else, I will be reminded about my worthlessness.

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror.

I can do it. no you cant you are worthless.

Stop! I will hv to do it and will do it.

I fell again.

Shit. What's wrong with me.

"Sarah. come down now." Mother said

Is she really awake this early. I mean it's early for her. Early is an understatement. It's like waking up at night for her. How is she awake? Why is she awake?

"Yes mother, coming in a minute."

Anyways I will hv to get up now or else she will kill me.

I got up and found my pajama stained.
Fucking periods.
I rushed to my closet and took out tampons,panties and sweatpants.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and got changed. As fast as I could

Brushed my teeth and washed my face.

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