This Life is Perfect

Start from the beginning

"I will take Satan on." Shiro from the future extended his hand, now speaking directly to the King of all Demons. "Satan, I'm the one you want. Possess me, instead. I will let you live on without pain. And we can explore this world together."

"Why would you do this?" Satan questioned. "You hate demons, and you especially hate me!"

"It was wrong to hate you." Shiro conceded. "We were the same once. Both of us were abused, unloved and left for dead. I know that there is a life beyond all of that trauma. I have seen the ways of the universe. I know that love can heal."

Satan glanced back at Yuri.

"She will be with us." Shiro smiled. "Don't you want to love her properly?"

"I do." The demon conceded. "But I don't trust you!!"

"The choice is yours." Shiro shrugged his shoulders. "You can die right now and be a prisoner in Gehenna, or you can have a body and continue living in Assiah. Whether you trust me or not, you haven't got a lot of options, pal."

"Fine." The demon challenged. "Prepare yourself for death."

With a bestial groan, the demon left young Shiro. The exorcist collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily from the strain. He crawled to Yuri, shielding her with his body.

Shiro from the future, meanwhile, began to glow with an intense blue light. He clenched his fists at his sides as the agony of the demon intruder overtook him.

Mephisto, from the past, immediately ran to his Champion's side, grasping his shoulders.

"Breathe through it, Shiro-pon." He encouraged. "You must diffuse his anger. That is what is causing the pain."

"It could also be the fucking sharp demon body bursting through my fucking skin." Shiro joked through a mask of pain as his teeth elongated into sharp fangs, his eyes scorched with brilliant blue fire. With one final curse escaping from his lips, blue horns erupted from Shiro's forehead. Shiro/Satan stared at his hands and watched as his aged skin became youthful and unblemished. The rest of Shiro's body became that of a young man.

"Don't worry Mephisto, I think it's over."

 Shiro laughed weakly, falling against the demon. Mephisto put his arms around Shiro, holding him steady.

"Are you hugging me, Clown?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Mephisto huffed softly. "I do not feel human attachments."

"It's okay, Baldy." Shiro whispered for Mephisto's ears only. "I'm going to miss you too,"

"We will still spend eternity, just in different bodies." Mephisto sighed. "I suppose I will need to replace you."

"I already saw my replacement." Shiro straightened shakily. "I'll trade ya."

"Forget it." Mephisto folded his arms. "I'm keeping the girl, you get to babysit  father."

"Man, did I pick the short straw."

Shiro steadied himself before addressing his dark passenger.

"Are you alright?" Shiro asked Satan. 

Are you controlling us? Satan grumbled. I want to be in control.

"Sometimes, I will allow that." Shiro shrugged his shoulders. "Only if yer good, once you learn to be more human."

Shiro/Satan turned to Yuri and young Shiro, huddled on the bed.

"You guys are a family now." He drawled. "Shiro, you better love Yuri, or I'll come back and kick your ass. You've only got one shot at this, don't fuck it up. In the previous timelines, she dies, and the world ends because you're an insufferable dickhead."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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