Chapter Three: Day One in Paris

Start from the beginning

I yank my arm out of her grasp and glare at her, "Don't touch me, don't talk to me, and especially don't call me 'Dami-baby'. We aren't five years old, learn how to address people properly, Brat." I walk past her and through the front door's where I see Todd, Drake, Grayson and Father talking with the civilians. 

Grayson is still wearing that abomination of an outfit. Drake was wearing a neon green Hawaiian shirt and tan cargo shorts. Todd was wearing his usual brown leather jacket, black shirt and dark blue jeans. Father was wearing a button up black shirt, and jeans. Whenever they were all standing next to each other you would assume that they were all blood family. They all had the same blue eyes, pale skin, and midnight hair. Well, Todd had white hair in the front, it randomly appeared after he was revived in the Lazarus Pit. 

I was the odd one out, even though I was the blood son. I had green eyes, and tan skin, the only similarity being the black hair. Mother's genes were apparently more dominant. I walk into their conversation and save these poor Parisians from their language being butchered by Drake and Grayson, "Let's leave so we aren't late for the tour." I gesture for someone to take the lead to guide us to where we are supposed to meet up at. 

"Is this the most colorful thing you brought?" Grayson shakes his head in disappointment taking point, "C'mon Little D, you don't always have to be so gloomy all the time." 

"I would rather dress normal than look like I got dressed by a toddler." I raise my brows at him, "Why is the way I dress so wrong? At least I change my jacket, Todd doesn't. Why don't you patronize him?" I gesture my most annoying 'brother'.

"Because he died," Drake whispered loudly. 

I scoff, "I died too." 

"I guess you're right, we just like to give you shit." He walks ahead of me, leaving me with Todd and Father, "You are the baby after all." I was most certainly not a baby. 

I glance at the greatest detective in the universe, "Father, why did you not bring Kyle? She would have enjoyed the riches Paris has to offer." 

He huffs what sound like a chuckle, "That's what I was afraid of, she would rob this place blind." He smiles softly at the thought. Selina Kyle formerly known as Cat Woman was my soon to be stepmother and Father's fiancé. Out of all the women in Gotham, Father chose an exceptional one. I gave him my approval of her before he proposed, he didn't seem to care but Kyle laughed once Father told her of my 'antics'. 

I look to my left at Todd, "What about you and Brown? You both seem happier than usual, it's unpleasant." 

Todd rolls his eyes at me, "Gee thanks demon spawn. We've been good, y'know it's been almost two years that we've been dating. I was thinking of... I don't know, making everything official."

"You mean official like Father and Kyle. You wish to end your courting and marry her." 

Todd scrunches up his face in disgust, "Demon Spawn you have got to learn the new slang, but yeah, I think you're right." He gags, "Oh God, that was disgusting I'm never saying that again."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "I am often right, Todd. You are simply to incompetent to realize when I am." We slowly come to a stop behind Grayson and Todd. 

I take in a quick look of my surroundings. We were four blocks away from the hotel. There were three people already on the tour boat, a very wide elderly man, a woman who must be his wife and a little girl more than likely their granddaughter. Four teenagers were sitting along the outskirts of the river, their legs dangling off above the water. Two males, a blonde with green eyes, a punch able face, and lean stature. The other had on a red cap but appeared to be a brunette, had tan skin, and brown eyes framed by glasses. Two females, one a brunette with and ombre orange color, tan skin, brown eyes also framed by glasses and a small beauty mark above her lip on the left. She was the girl from the Ladyblog. Alya Cesaire. The other a girl with blue-black hair dyed pink at the tips, pale skin, bluebell eyes, and a slight frown to her lips. 

I scoff internally, hopefully Father doesn't see her, she's a perfect nominee for the Wayne family. Dark hair, blue eyes, and a sad past. Well, in this case, a sad present. Let's just hope she isn't an orphan. 

Next, I inspect the boat. It was a very bright shade of pink, nearly blinding to the eye. The tour guide seemed very chatty. He was talking with Grayson about the history of the river. An extremely boring topic I learned about when I was five. I bring my attention back to the group of teenagers, only to find the sad girl looking directly at our group. I stare her down, offering my best glare, and in return she smiles. It catches me off guard, causing my glare to fall for a second. 

Wow, she had a breath-taking smile. 

The girl got up and said something to Cesaire who nodded her head before resuming her conversation with the boy in the red hat. As the girl walked towards where my family was standing, the blond boys gaze followed her every move. Interesting, he must have a strong liking towards her that she either didn't notice or didn't reciprocate. 

The girl made it over to where I stood and walked past me towards Grayson and Drake. Ouch. That stung. She walked right through me as if I was a normal person. Did she not know I was the Damian Wayne? 

"Excuse me, sir." She tap's Grayson's shoulder, stopping his conversation with the tour guide, "What are you wearing? This is completely unacceptable. Bright colors are to be worn in summer. It's spring. We have to fix this immediately." She grabs him by the arm and drags him away, off to who knows where. It's quite a scene to watch, she's practically a third of his height and weighs even less, yet she's dragging him as if he is a bag of feathers. 

She pauses for a second and looks back at Drake, "You too, sir." She continues on walking. We follow her, unsure what else to do. I mean, we could just let her take Grayson and Drake away, but I am interested to know where this interaction is leading. behind us an eruption of laughter is heard, it must be her friends laughing at the girl's antics. 

We walk for five more minutes before we reach a bakery. 


BFF hangout!!

BFF hangout!!

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