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     This is going to be my first fanfiction that I have writen, and I love Rescue Bots. I figured I would attempt to write my own little idea about Griffin Rock for fun, so please don't get mad if I mess something up. It has been too long since I have last seen the amazing show.

     I figured I would start with Cody Burns, because he is my cinnamon roll, and also most likely the best canidate for starting a fanfiction. I will probably use my oc, (Original Character, just so i remember what 'oc' means), in this story for practice and my own enjoyment. Just a small warning for those who may not like ocs in stories. I think Cody is going to be 10 in this story, but I might change my mind later on. Cover art is by me.

     I do have a rough idea planed out, but I do not know how long this story will be. Please know that I will try and upload regularly. Also, tell me what you think! The feedback would be nice. F.Y.I., this is all just for fun.

     So, without any other warning off the top of my head, I hope you will enjoy Griffin Rock's Secret: A Cody Burns Fanfiction.

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