- Chapter 4 -

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* four days before Sienna found out about the news, Ryder's POV *

The morning sunlight seeped through Ryder's room and began to slowly escape through the curtains before reaching Ryder's face.

Ryder groaned as the sun hit his face. He slowly took the blankets off and sat at the end of the bed.

What fucking time is it?

Ryder turned his gaze to the alarm clock that sat on his nightstand and read the numbers.

10:00 am damn...

Ryder rubbed his face to wake himself up before turning his gaze to the other side of the bed. Which laid, a naked redhead asleep.

Ryder groaned, remembering the night before which led to this random woman sleeping in his bed.


"Hey, you. Get up and get dressed." Ryder barked.

The woman slowly groaned and stretched before sitting up, not even bothering to cover herself with the sheets.

"Hm, you don't want to go another round?" The woman smiled.

Why can't they ever take the hint and fucking leave?!

"No, I got shit to do, and having another round with you is not on that damn list." Ryder said harshly.

"Come on, just one more round. I promise it'll be wor-" The woman said before getting smacked in the face with her clothes from the night before.

The woman's face filled with shock as she looked at her clothes on the bed. But it soon filled with fear as she looked at the Alpha's expression.

"Get dressed and get the fuck out." Ryder said aggressively.

The woman quickly grabbed her clothes and rushed out of the bedroom not even bothering to cover herself.

Ryder let out an irritable sigh as he watched his door slam close.

Ryder quickly went to his closet and grabbed himself a pair of fresh clothes.

As Ryder was putting his shirt on there was a knock on his door.

Ryder sighed irritated and went to open the door.

"I swear if you came back to ask for another round I will send you to the dungeon-" Ryder said.

"Damn, was she that bad, that you are in a pissy mood?" Josh said, before letting out a chuckle.

Josh my one and only Beta, and right-hand man. We became super close during my training. So, when I saw how determined and hardworking he was, I assigned him as my Beta. He was a pain in my ass then and is now. But he always gets the job done.

Here we go again...let's see what bullshit he has.

"Sorry Josh, thought you were someone else." Ryder sighed.

"Ah, you mean the redhead who rushed out of here naked?" Josh said with a chuckle.

Ryder glared at Josh with annoyance.

"Hey, hey, no need to blow up on me. I came here to inform you of something." Josh said.

Ryder sighed and turned his back to Josh before he walked away a few feet into his room.

"I seriously do not want to hear about any more Alpha shit. I just want a damn break." Ryder said.

Josh slowly walked into Ryder's room and shut the door.

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