- The Beginning pt 2 -

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                   * Flashback, Ryder's POV *

"That is exactly what I want," Ryder said.

Ryder's father sighed and tapped his fingers on his desk repeatedly.

"She's not of age yet son. I can't just waltz over to her parents and demand her for you." Ryder's father said.

That is exactly what I want you to do old man!

Ryder ran his fingers through his hair while sighing.

"Look, I want her as my mate. No matter what. I don't care about her parents!" Ryder said harshly.

Ryder's father groaned with annoyance.

"Son, this is about principles. We would have to get her parents to agree, but not only that give something in return to them." Ryder's father explained.

I knew this old man was right. He always was, but that is why we are the top persitigest family. It was all because of him.

"Then make a deal with them. I want her if you don't get this for me. The moment she is of age, I will mark her myself!" Ryder threatens.

Ryder's father's eyes widened at his son's statement. This was the first time he'd ever truly heard his son speak this way.

"Fine, I will make a deal with them." Ryder's father sighed.

Ryder sighed with relief.

Even though he told his father that statement he didn't know if he would go through with it. But at this moment, he was thinking about the logistics. Just her.

"Don't think just because I'm doing this, it won't come with a price." Ryder's father said.

Of fucking course....

"Alright. What kind of price would that be?" Ryder said.

"You will train to take over the pack. Like I wanted you to when you were younger. If you do not agree with this then I will not make a deal with the girl's family." Ryder's father said sternly

Ryder clenched his fists together as he heard his father's words.

Of course. Of fucking course he would use that!

Ever since I was a boy, I made it clear, I never, ever! Wanted to be the Alpha of my Father's pack. But that never sat with him right, and this moment was the best. To make me do exactly what he intended to do in the beginning.

"Fine Father. I will train to take over the pack. I will be the Alpha you always wanted." Ryder said through his clenched teeth.

Ryder's father sighed seeing his son's reaction.

"I'm not doing this for a punishment or because it's my dream. This title will get the girl. Her parents will snag the opportunity to get their daughter mated with the most powerful Alpha in Woodcrest." Ryder's father explained.

I hate that he's right. I hate it.

"You're right." Ryder said, even though it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Now, I will go speak with her parents with your mother. I will lay out the arrangements and I will have your answer by tomorrow, and if not the day after." Ryder's Father said.

Ryder nodded his head at his father, he felt a sense of victory.

But even with his newfound victory, he felt dread. Knowing his life is now the life of an Alpha.

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