A Dangerous Bargain

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Days have turned into a monotonous routine within the confines of Cordelia's locked room. The air feels heavy with isolation and frustration. Zeddicus stands guard at the door, his presence a constant reminder of her captivity. Cordelia sits by the window, her gaze fixated on the outside world she longs to be a part of. The sound of a gentle knock breaks the silence, drawing her attention. It's Alyssa, her concerned expression mirrored in her eyes.

"Cordelia, it's me. Can I come in?"

Cordelia's face lights up with a mixture of relief and anticipation.

"Yes, please, Alyssa. I've been longing for some company."

Zeddicus unlocks the door, allowing Alyssa to enter. They exchange a brief nod before Zeddicus positions himself just outside the room, ensuring they remain confined.

"Cordelia, I'm so sorry you've been locked up like this. I've been worried sick about you."

"It's not your fault, Alyssa. Alec is the one responsible for all of this. He's the one who betrayed me."

Alyssa takes a seat next to Cordelia, her eyes filled with empathy.

"What did he do, Cordelia? Why would he lock you up like this?"

Cordelia's voice trembles with a mix of anger and sadness.

"I overheard a conversation between Alec and Zeddicus. They spoke about power, thrones, and how I'm the key to maintaining Alec's control. He sees me as a means to solidify his position."

Alyssa's hand instinctively reaches for Cordelia's, offering comfort.

"How could he do this to you? You deserve better than being treated like a pawn in someone else's game."

"I know, Alyssa. But there's little we can do at the moment. I need to bide my time, gather information, and find a way to break free from his hold."

"I understand, Cordelia. Just know that I'm here for you, whatever you decide to do. We'll find a way out of this together."

Cordelia's eyes well up with tears, a mixture of gratitude and determination shining through.

"Thank you, Alyssa. Your friendship means the world to me, especially in times like these."

"I would do anything for you, Cordelia. You've always been there for me, and now it's my turn to be there for you."

A brief silence envelops them as Cordelia gathers her thoughts. Then, she speaks with a firm resolve.

"Alyssa, there's something else I need you to do for me. Kenrick may come to you looking for me, if he does can you do something for me? I want you to apologize on my behalf and let him know that we can't see each other anymore."

Alyssa's face reflects a mix of surprise and concern.

"Cordelia, are you sure about this? You may have known each other for long, but I can tell that Kenrick really cares about you. He might be able to help us."

"I know, Alyssa, but right now, I need to focus on getting out of this situation. It's too dangerous for him to be involved. Please, just tell him I'm sorry and that he should stay away."

Alyssa nods reluctantly, understanding Cordelia's reasoning.

"I'll do as you ask, Cordelia. But remember, you're not alone in this. I'll be here for you every step of the way."

Cordelia's lips curl into a small, appreciative smile as she clasps Alyssa's hand.

"Thank you, Alyssa. Your unwavering support gives me strength."

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