Chapter: Wedding Day

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The morning of the wedding dawned bright and clear, the air alive with the promise of new beginnings. In the opulent halls of the Hwang mansion, preparations were already underway for the momentous occasion—the union of Lee Felix and Hwang Hyunjin.

Felix stood before the mirror in his dressing room, his heart fluttering with nervous excitement. Dressed in a resplendent gown of ivory lace and satin, he felt like a vision of ethereal beauty, a bride ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

As he took a deep breath and smoothed down the fabric of his dress, Felix couldn't help but steal a glance at his reflection. Gone was the uncertainty that had plagued him in the days leading up to the wedding—replaced now by a sense of calm determination, a quiet resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead with grace and dignity.

Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, Hyunjin stood before his own mirror, his expression unreadable as he adjusted his suit jacket with practiced precision. Dressed in a tailored ensemble of black, he exuded an aura of quiet confidence, a man ready to take on the responsibilities that came with marriage.

But beneath the facade of composure, Hyunjin's heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. He had never imagined himself getting married, had never thought that he would find himself standing at the altar, pledging his life to another. And yet, as he thought of Felix waiting for him downstairs, a sense of calm washed over him—a sense of rightness, of belonging, that he couldn't quite explain.

As the guests began to arrive and the ceremony drew near, Felix and Hyunjin found themselves swept up in a whirlwind of activity. Family and friends gathered around them, offering words of encouragement and support, as they prepared to take their first steps into the unknown.

And then, finally, the moment arrived. With bated breath and pounding hearts, Felix and Hyunjin stood side by side at the altar, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of promises and vows.

"I, Lee Felix, take you, Hwang Hyunjin, to be my lawfully wedded husband," Felix began, his voice steady despite the butterflies that danced in his stomach. "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part."

Hyunjin's heart swelled with emotion as he listened to Felix's words, his gaze softening with love and affection. "I, Hwang Hyunjin, take you, Lee Felix, to be my lawfully wedded wife," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part."

And with those solemn vows,Felix and Hyunjin sealed their fate, their destinies forever intertwined in the eyes of the law and in the hearts of those who bore witness to their union.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the spacious bedroom that Felix and Hyunjin were to share as husband and wife. Despite being in the same room, an invisible barrier seemed to stand between them, a palpable tension that hung heavy in the air.

Felix sat on the edge of the bed, his hands folded nervously in his lap as he avoided Hyunjin's gaze. He felt like a stranger in his own skin, the weight of his wedding gown pressing down on him like a leaden weight. Despite the excitement of the day, a sense of apprehension gnawed at the edges of his mind, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Hyunjin paced restlessly across the room, his mind swirling with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. He had never been one for idle chatter, but the silence that stretched between them now felt suffocating, oppressive. He longed to reach out to Felix, to bridge the gap that separated them, but fear held him back—a fear of rejection, of vulnerability, that he couldn't quite shake.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Hyunjin cleared his throat, his voice tentative as he spoke. "Felix," he began, his words hesitant, "I...I hope you're comfortable here. If there's anything you need, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask."

Felix looked up, surprised by the warmth in Hyunjin's voice. Despite their rocky start, there was a gentleness in his words, a sincerity that touched something deep inside Felix's heart. "Th-thank you, Hyunjin," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "I...I appreciate your kindness."

As their eyes met in a hesitant exchange, a flicker of something unspoken passed between them—a shared understanding, a mutual desire to find common ground. And in that moment, Felix felt a spark of hope ignite within him—a hope that maybe, just maybe, their marriage could be more than just a transaction, more than just a union of convenience.

But before either of them could speak further, a knock at the door shattered the fragile bubble of intimacy that had begun to form between them. With a heavy sigh, Hyunjin turned to answer it, leaving Felix alone with his thoughts once more.

As the day wore on and the wedding celebrations reached their peak, Felix and Hyunjin found themselves drawn together once more, their shared moments of awkwardness and uncertainty giving way to a tentative sense of connection. And as they danced beneath the starlit sky, their hands clasped tightly together, Felix couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stir within him—a hope that maybe, just maybe, their love story was only just beginning.


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