Chapter 6: The Little Fox

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Hwang Jeongin skipped happily around his room, the fabric of his red, short, cute dress swishing around his legs with each step. At eighteen, he was the youngest member of the Hwang family, and he relished every moment spent with his beloved older brother, Hyunjin, the CEO of Hwang Corp. Their parents were alive and well, and their family dynamic was one of warmth, love, and acceptance.

Jeongin adored dressing in girlish, cute dresses, and his family not only accepted but encouraged his expression of self. They celebrated his uniqueness and cherished him as the little happiness of the Hwang family. His cheerful disposition and boundless energy brought joy to all those around him, earning him the endearing nickname of "the little fox."

As he twirled in front of the mirror, Jeongin couldn't help but giggle at his reflection. His heart fluttered with excitement at the thought of attending the wedding festivities, surrounded by friends and family, all celebrating the union of two souls.

With a contented sigh, Jeongin made his way downstairs, the hem of his dress swaying with each graceful step. As he entered the crowded ballroom, his eyes lit up with delight at the sight of the festivities unfolding before him.

"Jeongin!" a familiar voice called out, and Jeongin turned to see his brother, Hyunjin, striding toward him with a warm smile on his face.

"Hyunjin!" Jeongin exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy. "You look so handsome!"

Hyunjin chuckled, ruffling Jeongin's hair affectionately. "And you look absolutely adorable, as always," he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

As they joined the festivities together, hand in hand, Jeongin couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for the love and acceptance he had found within his family. They may be different, they may be unconventional, but they were united by a bond that nothing could ever break.

And as he danced the night away with his brother by his side, Jeongin knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be—surrounded by love, embraced for who he truly was, the little fox with a heart of gold.

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