Never leaving.

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Hii A couple people wanted to know what happened after sunoo came back.
So here's the real ending <3.

"W-what are you doing back..
You're supposed to be in jail right now.."

-when I said did you think you could escape did you think I was joking?"
Y/n, You should know by now. You're never gonna leave me.
YOU made that promise.

W-what the hell did you do with my boyfriend?! WHERE IS HE.

And IM your boyfriend, remember?.

"You are disgusting.
How could you do this to anybody?!
I don't love you! Get that through your sick and twisted head!"
You yell.

-you call it sick, I call it true love.
We're different.
You know I really thought you were different y/n, Maybe you would have excepted my love for you.

For you.
That stupid boy was using you for horrible things, He was cheating on you.

"You really think I'd believe that?!"

-here's the video.


It was true. Your boyfriend was actually cheating on you.
But that didn't matter anymore.
He had already killed him.

"How did you get out?."

"It's not that complicated, I'm a psychopath.. Remember?"
Anyways enough of this nonsense,
You're coming with me.
He says while gripping your arm and pulling you with him.

"Let go of me! I hate you. I will never love you! I'll just find another way to escape!"

"Try it and I'll kill your whole family.
Wonyoung and yunjin are next on my list anyway."
I will never forgive them for letting you get another man.

He threw you into the backseat of the car and handcuffed your hands.

"Let me go! Please why don't you understand!"

We were meant to be y/n.
We're soulmates.

I even gave you a choice!
But you didn't want me.

-So this time.
You don't get a choice."

After about an hour of driving he arrived at a dark place.
A place even you knew no one would find you.

He soon carried you inside.
It was a home that actually wasn't half bad. You only wished you could have spent the rest of your life there with someone you loved.

But that wasn't an option anymore.
You were his and he was yours.
You'd never escape even if you tried.

This WAS the end of your story.
And everyone who ever knew you.

-Sunoo was crazy..

THE real ENDDD<3
Bye bye 🩷

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