Childhood friends?.

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Y-yeah? About what? You ask.

Well.. do you not. Remember me?

What do you mean?

Well.. We were childhood friends,Well kinda..

Does Kim Sunoo not ring a bell or something? He says.

Uhh wait.. Weren't you the quiet kid everyone bullied in 3rd grade?

Well, That's a kinda weird way to say it but. Yeah. Now remember?

OHH Yeah! I'm sorry I never remembered you!
Wow, I gotta say you really grew into a better man, Handsome too. You giggle

You can see sunoo slightly blushing,

T-thank you. He reply's.

Well I better get going now! You say while walking away but before you could he pulled on your arm,

W-wait! Y/n would you wanna come to my house? I mean you kinda have to since we need to get you caught up in school.

U-uhm sure I guess.
I don't have any where to be today so, Why not.
You say to him.

Ok, cool.

You rode in his car to his house.

*at his house*

Soo say Sunoo,How about we watch a movie instead of me doing school work hahaha..

You say to him while trying to get out of doing school right now.
And of course how could Sunoo say no to you?.

Okay sure.. What do you wanna watch?

How about a horror movie! Maybe scream? You ask

Okay sure..I'll make popcorn.

You grab a blanket and go to his couch, It's so clean in here.. I'm almost scared to do anything..
You think to yourself,

The popcorn is done.
Sunoo says as he comes and sits down next to you but not to close.

As the movie starts you get closer to him because of how scary this movie is to you,

You kinda feel him tense up but
You thought he was just scared of the movie.
As the movie goes on you get scared so you hold onto him not realizing you were,

His face was so red but luckily you couldn't see it cus it was dark.
Uhm. Y/n?
Are you okay? Do you need something?
He asks.

Huh? Oh no I'm ok! Sorry..
I didn't realize..

No! It's okay you can hold on to me..
okay cool.
You respond

After the movie ends he looks over at you just to realize you were asleep,
Still holding onto him though.

O-oh.. y/n? Don't you need to go home?

Just let me sleeppp..
I'll leave tomorrow.
You say still half asleep.

W-what? Are you sure?.

Is all you could get out.

Oh.. okay then. You can sleep in my bed I'll sleep on the couch,
He tries to say to you but your fast asleep again,

So he carries you to his bed and places you down.
Covering you with his blanket,
He looks at you for a while before gently kissing you.

I.. I love you y/n.
He says to you but your still asleep,

He grabs a few things then goes to lay on the couch.


Innocent stalker[Kim Sunoo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now