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When you woke up in the morning you were kinda confused where you were,
Then you remembered that you never went home last night.
You were in Kim sunoos bed.
You got up really fast to check where he was but when you got up he was making food for both of you.

Hey y/n, I thought maybe I should make some breakfast for you since you're my guest,

Oh! I'm so sorry you had to sleep on the couch! I should have went home. Sorry
No It's ok! I don't mind, really.

After you ate breakfast you decided you should head out.

Ok Sunoo! Well thank you so so much for letting me stay, I really appreciate it.

He says with a smile on his face,

When you left you couldn't believe what just happened.
Omg why did I have to fall asleep?! Did he carry me to bed!? I feel so bad.. You think to yourself while blushing slightly.

Meanwhile Sunoo just couldn't stop thinking about how you were in his house.
He wished you were there all the time,

He just wants you to be his.

Tomorrow was Saturday,
The day you asked Jake Jungwon and Sunoo to go to the movies with you.

You got dressed up pretty, To be honest you didn't know who you were trying to impress but you knew out of one of the boys you wanted to look good for him,

When you got outside of the movie theater you waited for them,

Hey y/nn! Jungwon yells as he Arrives with Jake,
Then Sunoo showed up.
Looking handsome
Very handsome.

Oh hey Sunoo.
Hey y/n, You look really pretty!

His comment made you blush,
T-thank you. Well we should go watch the movie now haha.
You say with an awkward giggle.

OKAYY!! Jungwon says loudly as he takes your hand running into the theater.

When you got to your seats you sat in between Sunoo and Jungwon.

Jungwon was talking to you through out all of the trailers.
Sunoo looked upset so you turned to him trying to get him to join the conversation,

Sunoo are you ok? Wanna go get a drink with me ?

U-uhm ok sure y/n,

So you and Sunoo go to get a drink before the movie starts.
On your way back Sunoo stops you to ask,

Y/n. Do you like Jungwon?

W-what?! N-no!
Of course not!...

Are you sure?

Yes! I actually like someone else,
so no I don't like him.

O-oh. You like someone else..

Y-yeah.. well let's go back to the movie.

As you get back in your seats it felt kinda awkward between you and Sunoo.
But you weren't gonna let that ruin your night,

The movie you guys went to see was kinda scary so you held onto Jungwons arm most of the time.

Which of course Sunoo didn't like.

So Sunoo pulled you closer to him.
Y/n. You can hold onto me,
I promise you I'm much better to hold onto than Him.

As he said that Jungwon looked a little upset with how Sunoo was being.
I wasnt even trying to flirt but whatever,
Jungwon thinks in his head

U-uhm okay. After that you continued to hold onto Sunoo for the movie
And honestly he really was better to hold onto,
A lot more gentle.

When the movie ended
Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood.

Probably cus Sunoo snatched you away mid movie.

Jake and Jungwon were leaving when they asked you,

Y/n do you need a ride home?

No she's good with me.

Sunoo said while walking behind you.

Whatever dude. Well bye y/n,
Jungwon says as him and Jake leave.

Sunoo what's your issue with them?
Why do you have to be rude!
You say kinda loud to the point where people give you dirty looks.

They were to close to you. That's all I have to say y/n.

Ugh whatever, I'm leaving! you say as you try to walk away but Sunoo grabs your arm.

Just let me go! I'll get an Uber.

Why would I let you go with some random guy when you can just go with me?
He says as he pulls you to his car.

Y/n just get in.

Ugh whatever! Just take me home.

The ride home was silent.

And honestly you didn't wanna be mean to him.

You liked him after all,

But when he's being rude to your friends what can you say?.

He dropped you off at home and you left
without a word.


Innocent stalker[Kim Sunoo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now