5. Years of survival pt. 1.

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Dawood, after the events of the night, deeply distressed yet hopeful for a miracle, set out the next morning to report his wife Mariam's disappearance to the local police. The police interrogated him thoroughly, inquiring about every detail that could assist in finding Mariam. Dawood explained that his wife worked at the local workshop where they made Egyptian textiles, and she was an active member of the Coptic Christian community, engaging in charitable work and organizing community events.

The police recorded Mariam's description, her workplace, and also questioned Dawood about their political or religious activities, as the political turmoil of the 1950s in Egypt often led to personal conflicts. Dawood's ID card, showing his surname, indicated they were Christians, but the police also suspected that religious affiliation could be a source of conflict.

Dawood mentioned that Ibrahim was the only witness to his mother's abduction, though he might have hallucinated due to shock. Dawood went home to fetch Ibrahim and brought him to the police station.

-So, young man, tell us what you saw last night - the officer began.

Ibrahim, aware of how unbelievable his story might sound, began hesitantly.

-A bright orb appeared in the sky, and... and a being came out of it. They... they took my mother.

The officer furrowed his brow.

-A bright orb? And beings? Young man, we must take disappearances seriously. Please, tell us only what's real.

-But I am telling the truth! - Ibrahim replied, his voice trembling with desperation. - I saw a beam touch my family, and they... they forgot what happened. But I didn't forget!

The officer exchanged a glance with a colleague, who just shrugged.

-And no one else remembers this... orb and beings? - he asked skeptically.

-No, because the beam didn't touch anyone else but me," Ibrahim explained.

The officer sighed.

-Son, we understand this is a difficult time for you and your family, but it's important to help us with real information. We can't deal with fantastical stories."

Ibrahim's face reflected helplessness and despair. He felt his words falling empty, deemed unbelievable and meaningless.

-Please, just try to find my mother! - he finally whispered, hoping that the police would be able to find some lead that could lead them back to Mariam.

Though skeptical, the police promised to follow every possible lead.

The Coptic Christian community was deeply shaken by Mariam's disappearance. Father Mena regularly organized prayer sessions her return and the family's solace. After one such session, Ibrahim approached the priest, who was always willing to assist his parishioners. Dawood and Ibrahim's brothers waited for the boy at the cathedral entrance.

-Abouna, do you think God created life elsewhere similar to Earth?- Ibrahim asked tentatively yet curiously.

Father Mena looked at the boy, contemplating for a moment before responding.

-The creative power of God is infinite. His ways surpass human understanding. We, humans, can only partly know Him and the wonders of creation. The Bible doesn't exclude the possibility of life existing in other worlds. But remember, God turns with love to every creature, whether on Earth or in any corner of the universe."

-If... if there are other beings not from our world, and one of them... -Ibrahim faltered, unable to express the pain and confusion caused by his mother's disappearance.

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