9. Oxford is the only way out

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The following months were busy for Ibrahim. He had to attend engagement classes with Veronica, prepare for his final exams, and of course, continue thinking about his further studies. After the forced marriage, the idea of going to university in Egypt no longer occurred to him. He thoroughly researched foreign studies, at least as much as possible at that time. He inquired with teachers, and some universities even held information sessions at his school. Ibrahim also made phone calls to potential universities.

He was aware that in the Coptic Orthodox faith, marriage is a sacred bond that nothing and no one can break, not even death. Therefore, the only option for him was to escape, to avoid the forced marriage. He hoped that if he left before the wedding, perhaps his father's anger would also subside.

One evening, when his brothers were already asleep, Ibrahim counted the money he had saved while working in his father's shop, which was enough for the initial expenses, in case he didn't get a scholarship anywhere, and then he could go to work.

He started filling out the application forms and sent both of them, although the University of Toronto was more appealing to him. Still, he tried the University of Oxford, because, well... it's Oxford, and he listed it as his first choice.

He successfully completed his final exams. To celebrate this significant event in their lives, he and his friends Gerges, Tarek, and Mark decided to have a party.

They went to a pub that belonged to Gerges' family. The four boys clinked their glasses. The mood was cheerful, filled with laughter. As they ordered another round, Tarek raised his glass.

-Let's drink to Ibrahim and his upcoming wedding!

Ibrahim's smile faded.

-There won't be a wedding. I'm not marrying Veronica.

Tarek and Mark looked at Ibrahim with stunned faces, then burst out laughing.

-What are you saying, you bookboy? And where are you going? Leaving for an archaeological dig just before the big day, or what?

-I'm not joking. I'm going to run away.

The laughter died down.

Tarek continued to mock him.

-Wow, the bookboy is rebelling against the family traditions.

Ibrahim chuckled.

-Yes, it seems the books have taught me not only wisdom, but also rebellion.

The pub had a hookah as well. The 4 friends sat on the cushions, each holding a hose. Ibrahim chose the mint-flavored tobacco, Tarek the peach, Mark the grape, and Gerges the classic apple. The hookah's flavor, combined with the beer, provided a unique experience.

Tarek, taking a puff from the hookah, said with a smile to the others.

-Well, this isn't as bad as I thought.

As they became more immersed in the hookah, Ibrahim detailed his escape plan, while his friends listened attentively.

-As soon as I receive the acceptance letter from Oxford or Toronto, I'll make arrangements to move into the dorm earlier, buy a plane ticket with an earlier date than my wedding, and if Baba asks, I'll just say they must have mixed up the flight dates.

Tarek and Mark burst out laughing again. Tarek was the first to speak.

-Are you serious? That's the best you could come up with? Your father won't buy that story.

Gerges agreed with Tarek.

"It hurts me to say this, but Tarek is right, I don't think your dad will believe this, and he may even forbid you to go study at all, and then you'll be stuck in Egypt.

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