[C2] First Sight

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My grin widened, "That was so cool!" She laughed, "You sound like a kid", "I'm only 17!" We both laughed till we fell to the ground. "Hey wanna explore more or should we head back?" I thought for a moment, brother or Valka would wonder where I am but I'm still excited to see what's farther. I do wonder if there are nice humans like Valka when she isn't scolding me.

We got up and flew around the now iced-up base of the humans, which we soon came across another redwood forest, but with more hills and mountains. I felt my heart race in excitement, "There's a Viking village nearby" I heard Fifi say, "Valka said they don't like dragons" I told her, "They changed. Last I checked, a teen boy was on a night furry along with his friends also on dragons, and no one was fighting"

I looked at her shocked as she explained this to me, humans and dragons... It's not that hard to believe but Valka.. She said otherwise. "It's called Berk", "Isn't that where Valka-" she nodded, "Let's go then!" I said, Fifi laughed and flew up and led the way, I chuckled and followed her. Is there a world from Valka's stories where there's peace between dragons and Vikings? Just because of a teenager and a night furry?? How is it even possible- wait why'd Fifi stop? I looked back at her then-


I hit something and fell to the ground, sitting up and rubbing my head, probably hitting a wall, "Y/n-", "What is that?" The second voice made me jump, I looked up seeing a night furry landed in front of me with someone on his back. Are these the two that Fifi was telling me about?

Before I could do anything, two wings of red and orange scales covered me, Fifi made a growl signal sound which I understood and concentrated on changing into a full human which I luckily learned when I was 12. "Hey it's okay-" a male voice said, I tapped her wings letting her know it was okay and she opened her wings and folded them back.

I looked at the boy and our eyes met, his eyes kinda reminded me of Valka... "Who are you?" He asked in a quieter tone, it was gentle. It took a moment until the nervous feeling in me went down for me to answer, "Y/n..my name is Y/n, and this is Fifi" I said, raising my hand to Fifi, he smiled, "I'm Hiccup and this is Toothless"

"The boy and the night furry" I said in a small gasp now realizing, excitement obvious in my voice, "Oh- oh so you heard?" I nodded and walked to him quickly to check him out. He was skinny, very skinny and he smelled like fish and the air, his short hair with a single small braid was soft and he had a small scar on his lips and weird things all over him in his outfit "Uh?-" I jumped when I pressed something and some weirder thing popped out.

He and the night furry chuckled while Fifi got closer and sniffed Hiccup curiously, "Are you a dragon rider too?" He asked just as curious, well his question towards me, "Dragon rider?" The term sounded wrong and sexual- and bad a bit. "Do you not ride Fifi?" She shot a glare at me as I tried not to laugh, "Ah no, I uhm don't do that?" I said.

I looked over at Toothless and walked to him, seeing the saddle and things on his back to his tail- which was missing half a tail wing... damn. "What happened to his tail?" I asked quietly, Hiccup looked at me with a nervous expression and opened his mouth to speak before another Deadly Nadder flew down next to Hiccup and Toothless, "You need to stop wandering off" a blond hair girl on the back of the Nadder said, hopping down and looked at me.

"Another dragon rider?" she asked shocked, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle this time, "Sooo mature, Y/n" Fifi muttered, making me laugh more, "Sorry sorry" I apologized, wiping a tear away, the humans and the two dragons looked at me confused. The bond girl smiled and raised her hand out, what is she doing? Before I could react any more than just a thought, a pain surged through my head, "Are you okay?", "Y-yeah I'm fine" I say, turning away from them, "Fifi, time to head back.." She nods and we start walking back the way we came from.

-778 words-

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