𝟐𝟑. 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝...

55 3 11

The first days of classes were somewhat normal in Maia's eyes. All except for one. Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was no surprise Professor Moody was odd, if anyone assumed anything from the entrance he made, but what was in store was more unusual than they thought it would be.

"There's no way he'll be a better teacher than Lupin. He was honestly the best one we've had in years." Astoria insisted, as she walked to the classroom with Maia.

"I mean- you're not wrong. I 100% agree, but- are you sure this isn't just because you fancy the man? You barely paid attention to what he was actually teaching-"

"I'll have you know I scored very high on my DADA O.W.L!" Astoria exclaimed, stepping into the classroom, met with obnoxious laughter and gossip of their fellow students.

"Maia!" Fred waved from the second to last row of seats, then hesitantly putting his hand down, still half-smiling at her.

Maia waved back, Astoria slightly snickering at the two.

They took their seats in the second row of desks laid out in the room. Just as they did so, the class door slammed shut, Professor Moody aggressively limping down the line of desks, the class immediately going silent.

"I've heard from your Professor Lupin." Moody grunts, now standing at the head of the classroom. "Told all of the things you learned about last year. Boggarts. Werewolves." he sneered at the word, almost with malicious intent. "It seems as though all years are behind." there were murmurs and whispers heard before his voice boomed, "Quiet! You're quite behind on handling curses."

The class didn't dare make a noise, as the man clapped his hands together. "So! Straight into it then. The Unforgivable Curses. According to the Ministry, sixth year is just thr right year to teach you these things. If it were my decision, this would've been done much sooner." he grumbled, "Now, does anyone know why the Unforgivable Curses are called as such?"

About 5 hands rose, not many of the teens wanted to speak up. Moody pointed at Alicia Spinnet, who hesitantly put her hand down. Many people turned their heads to look at her.

"Because they're-" Moody cleared his throat, cutting her off.

"Because the usage of them is a one way ticket to life in Azkaban." Moody grunted impatiently, Alicia slowly nodded in agreement. "Great! Can any of you name one of these curses?"

A couple hands were raised, but he landed on another one of the Gryffindor girls, Katie Bell this time. "Ms. Bell! Go ahead."

"Uhm- the- the Imperius curse?"

"Yes!" Professor Moody blurted, causing Katie and a couple others to jump, including Maia. "Hmm, let's see here." his eyes scanned the classroom, and Maia thought for a split second he was about to test the curse on a student, until his eyes landed on a small cage in the back.

He stumbled to the cage, grabbing a small rat out of it. Maia's eyes widened, as a few other students gasped.

Moody placed the rat on the desk, "Now, watch." he slowly pulled out his wand. "Imperio!"

The rats squealing silenced as Moody grinned. He gently lifted his wand, and moved it so the rat went frantically running down the desks, the class filled with laughter. Even Maia was laughing, after the events of last year, she's had a strong hate for rats, so this was quite amusing to her. All until Professor Moody moved his wand towards her.

Maia took in a sharp breath as Professor Moody landed the rat in front of her. She stared at the creature, eyes wide in surprise. Her stomach dropped, a hollow achy feeling taking its place. Fear washed over her and it wasn't until Moody spoke again that she understood why. "And what, Ms. Black, is the next Unforgivable Curse?" he asked her and she suddenly felt small under his gaze. It felt as though he knew more than he possibly could. "Well?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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