The lore of Ghost

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"Heh. I think Angi might like your friends. That hopeless romantic of a girl. She's perfect for this job." Magma spoke, chuckling ".. So, what does she and the other girl do?" Aragon asked. "The girls are Sisters of Sin. You know there are nuns in churches right, called Sisters? Well, they are a type of anti-nuns that normally work in the church and when we go to tours, they have appearances at Rituals." Brother Tomasso explained. "Oh ok, so you guys are not related." Aragon spoke. "No, it's what we're called in the church. Like we call a priest, "Father" like that." Magma added. "Got it." Aragon nods again

"... wait.... Hold on a minute... Nuns? Anti-Nuns?" Aragon questioned. "Yeah." Naseem nodded. "That's what the Sisters of Sin are. I'm a ghoulette. A girl version of a ghoul, A Ghuleh or Ghoulette is a female follower of Ghost, as opposed to the non-gendered form "Ghoul." She explained. "Are there any ghouls that don't follow a ghost...?" Aragon asked. "Not a ghost, like a spiritual being. Ghost, it's a band." Naseem added, laughing at his naivety. "I never knew this church has an anti-church...? Nor, did I know a church did anything like what you're doing. Like, I've never heard of anti-nuns." Aragon answered.

"We're a satanic church, in a satanic band," Magma explained calmly. Aragon starts to swallow nervously, and sweats a bit "How can you explain that with a straight face?" Aragon doubted. "It's what we're used to. We were either born in the church as babies or, worked in the church until retirement or death." Naseem said, shrugging.

"Ok so, let me explain this about the church. Ghost is the eponymous devil-worshipping ministry that is the center of the band's story and image. It is an exact inverse of the real-life Catholic Church, acting as both a parody and criticism of the organization. The Clergy controls the ministry of Ghost, with Sister Imperator as the current leader. The band, Ghost, serves as the public missionary arm of the ministry, conducting rituals at venues around the world to spread their message." Magma spoke. Aragon sat on the bed and listened to the ghoul.

"Yea. The Ministry of Ghost is a satanic church located in "the deepest crypts of Linköping, Sweden" According to the lore that we were told, The Ministry of Ghost created the band as they believed the medium of rock music was the perfect way to spread their unholy message to the world." Brother Tomasso said.

"Whoa. So, what you do is true? You guys won't eat me or my friends,  or shove our souls into jars? Or sacrifice us, since we're virgins...?" Aragon asked.

"Ha! So you are virgins! So, Here's our plan around the ministry: We don't sacrifice goats. It's virgins, that's the plan and we fuck them," Magma spoke, smirking.

Aragon turned pale, starting to sweat a little bit. Magma howled with laughter as he pulled him close and wrapped his arm around him. "Look how scared you look! Oh, you should see your face!!" Magma laughed. "He's joking." Naseem chuckled, reassuring him. "Is he kidding....?" Aragon asked. Brother Tomasso chuckles and shrugs a bit. Aragon turns more pale and continues to sweat more. He glanced over to the door. Wishing Tanaka came back, he didn't feel safe.  "This place is weird...." Aragon mumbled.... "A band... that's satanic... However, they don't sacrifice goats but they plan to sacrifice virgins and fuck them.... I don't feel like I'm safe here. Or really belong." Aragon thought to himself.

"This might be a touchy topic but are you religious?" Brother Lorenzo asked "I mean, I don't mean to poke in your personal life but I'm curious and you seem, terrified of us."

".....  ....... I mean, I am terrified. But no...? I have heard of the Catholic and Christian communities in this town and I know about it but, I don't go to church at all." Aragon explained. Naseem, Magma and Brother Lorenzo nod in awe. "So just curious....
If you met us on the street one day, and if I told you that I'm in a satanic band, you wouldn't think negatively of us and think we're trash cause we're not catholic or Christian in any way?"  Naseem asked

Aragon thought for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't know." He said "I'd treat you like a normal person if you didn't tell them. But if you did... I think I'd still treat you the same, as a normal person."

"Wow." Naseem spoke. "That's an interesting answer." Magma replied, Brother Lorenzo nodded.

"Aragon! Bro, there you are." A voice spoke. Everyone looked over at the doorway, there were his friends standing there.  "Fern! Osiri!" Aragon exclaimed, relieved to see his friends with Brother Tomasso stood behind the two ghouls. "We just finished cleaning in the cathedral but we got free food. They cook some damn good food in this creepy place. After that, we searched this building to find you." Fern replied. "This place is freaking huge!!" Osiri sighed. "You don't mind them being in here Aragon?

"I don't mind." Aragon answered. "Come on fellas and Naseem, we need sleep, it's late. Besides, we promised Samir we will read him a story." Brother Tomasso spoke as a small tiny Samir peeked his head out from hiding behind Tomasso. The small ghoul child smiles widely, revealing his tiny sharp piranha type, teeth. "Whoa! That kid got some chompers!" Fern exclaimed, "I feel bad for his dentist..." Osiris mumbled.

"Why are you still up you cheeky little boy? Tanaka sent you to bed hours ago." Naseem sighed. "I couldn't sleep! I heard that new people are in the church and I don't trust them. Plus.... Sister Tanaka didn't read me a story! Cause of the new people I heard, that were in the church." He said, glaring at the three adult ghouls, frowning. "Don't worry you don't have to be scared of them. They're friendly, these ghouls won't hurt you little buddy. We're caring for one of them because he's injured. See his swollen ankle?" Brother Lorenzo explained.

"His friends are here cause we saw them in the church next to a broken item so they have to repay what they broke." Magma added. The child just became silent and continued to stare at them, making Aragon, fern and Osiris feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Come on, let's get you back into bed Samir. It's late now. And not to worry, we'll read you 3 stories tonight since Tanaka was busy." Brother Tomasso said, patting the child's head. "How about 4 stories?" Samir asked. "3." Naseem replied. "5." Samir added. "3." Magma replied again, now sounding firm in the tone of his voice. "6 stories...?" Samir cheekily questioned. "Ok, 4. That's final. Deal..?" Brother Tomasso sighed. Samir nodded, smiling. "Yes, ok. 4 stories!" The child chirped happily as he purred.

"Well Aragon, it was nice to meet you. So with your friends, Fern and Osiris. We'll see you in the morning." Brother Lorenzo told the ghouls. "Goodnight, Sleep well." Brother Tomasso replied. Magma walked out as Naseem and the brothers left, guiding Samir back to the room with the other ghoul children and babies.

Aragon was already in bed laying down comfortably while Fern and Osiris laid on the floor in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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