Aragon and Tanaka meet

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"Sister Angi. Sister Tanaka. We have an injured ghoul for you." Brother Lorenzo spoke. The sisters look up, from caring for the children ghouls. Some of them were awake from the rain.

"What's the problem?" Sister Angi asked

"This is a new ghoul from the city and not from our church, named Aragon." Magma replied. "Oh, what's his name?" Sister Tanaka asked. "His name is Aragon." Naseem replied

"He's hurt with a twisted ankle." Brother Lorenzo added. "Let me check it out." Tanaka spoke as she stood up and walked over to the injured ghoul to help him out. Aragon flinched, trying to stumble and walk away from the sisters.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." Sister Tanaka reassured him. "We're friendly church goers." Angi replied, also reassuring him. Aragon wasn't sure at first for the Sisters to care for his twisted ankle. The joke that the brothers told him still struck fear in him, so he didn't trust them. However, Aragon's ankle was throbbing in pain and needed things to soothe the pain.

"Are you scared of us?" Sister Angi asked. Aragon didn't reply to her. He stared at the sisters but then, at the floor remaining silent. "Yea." Naseem told the sisters. Angi looked at Lorenzo and Magma, the tall ghoul was snickering when he made eye contact with them. The sisters frowned at them, Magma only smirked.

"What did you tell them?" Angi asked. "He told me and my friends, that we sacrifice virgins. And your brother Tomasso told us that you guys will eat us or shove our souls into jars." Aragon explained. "That's not true! Don't believe what those guys say. I swear, we are the kindest people around." Tanaka told Aragon,

she sits him down to examine his ankle. "Ooh. This is swollen to hell a bit." Sister Angie winced. "Yea.. it hurts like hell." Aragon replied, Gently, she reached for Sarah's ankle, careful not to cause any further discomfort. She observed the swelling and the slight discoloration, confirming his suspicion.

"You definitely twisted it," Tanaka said softly. "We need to take care of this."

She helped Aragon to his feet, supporting his weight as she tried to stand. "Can you put any weight on it?" She asked.

Aragon tentatively shifted his weight onto his injured ankle, wincing as he did so. "It hurts, but I can manage," he said, grateful for Tanaka's steadying presence.

"Okay, let's get you off your feet," Angi suggested, Tanaka guided Aragon back to the bed. She helped him sit down, then crouched beside him once more.

"I have some ice in our first aid kit," Tanaka said, rummaging through the first aid closet in the church. Angi retrieved a small ice pack and handed it to Tanaka who gave it to Aragon. "This should help with the swelling."

Aragon nodded gratefully, placing the ice pack on her ankle. He sighed as she felt the cool relief wash over him. "Thank you," he said softly, meeting Tanaka's gaze with a grateful smile.

Tanaka returned her smile, her eyes warm with concern. "Of course," she said. "Is there anything else I can do?"

Aragon shook his head. "Thanks sisters." Magma replied. "No problem. Now, I think I just need to rest for a bit Aragon," Tanaka replied. "Thank you for your help." Aragon spoke.

Tanaka nodded understandingly. "Take all the time you need," she said, rising to her feet. "And if you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask."

"Ok." Aragon said

"So, who are your friends? Are they boys? Girls? Nonbinary? Ghouls? Are they cute? Are they hot? How tall are they? How short are they? Do they got hip dips? Love handles? Are they quiet? Loud? Have a big appetite? Loves reading? Loves drawing?" Angi asked

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