The Romance of Imperator and Nihil

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"I'm off on a date, I'll be back late." Sister Imperator called out to the members. The sisters and brothers nod, knowing where she's going. Tanaka was in walking in the hallway as she looked at Sister Imperator wearing the most flashiest dresses and her face was covered in black lipstick, some blush and eyeliner.

"Ooohhh.... You look beautiful. Where are you going Sister?" Tanaka asked
"I'm going out on a date, dearie."  Sister replied. " You know that gentleman, I've talked to you about?" She said. "Yea. I think so." Tanaka replied.
We're going on a date. We've been going out for a while before I met you. I love him and he loves me. He makes me so happy and we're totally, perfect for each other." Sister explained. "Aww that's so sweet, have fun on your date." Tamale replied. Sister smirked "You know I will.~ buh bye dear." Then she left out of the ministry  doors.

Tanaka didn't get to see Sister Imperator often as she was spending a lot of time with her new lover Nihil in LA. Nihil, a former member of the 60s band Ghost and a popular singer, was deeply in love with Sister Imperator. They were inseparable and often seen together, radiating their love for each other. Sister Imperator would only visit to check up on the ministry, and Tanaka couldn't help but notice the spark between the two whenever they were together.

In 1969, something happened that caused a major rift between Sister Imperator and Nihil. It all started when Nihil got a bit carried away with the fame and adoration that came with being part of a popular band. He let it all go to his head and things started to change. During one of their concerts, Nihil did something that shocked everyone - he leaned into the audience and planted a kiss on a couple of female members! This incident not only created a scandal but also caused a major fallout between the couple.

The atmosphere was electric as the band played their final notes. Everyone was in awe, except for Sister Imperator. She was holding back tears and left the venue in a hurry. Nihil was devastated. He had no idea what he had done wrong. After the performance, he ran after Sister to try and explain himself. He was on his knees, begging and pleading, with skull face paint, tears, and snot running down his face, asking for Sister's forgiveness and to take her back. But Sister Imperator was furious. She had had enough. She broke up with him, never telling Nihil that she was expecting a baby. If Nihil ruined his relationship with Sister, he could ruin the relationship with his son or daughter if he was a father. Tanaka was heartbroken and helped comfort Sister with her breakup. Sister Imperator and Nihil were once happy and in love, but fame, fortune, and popularity can change people. Sister Imperator got over it and continued to focus on what was important: her reputation and the role of the Ministry.

Sister Imperator was taken to the hospital as she was about to give birth to her newborn baby. She was accompanied by Tanaka, who never left her side, providing her with support and comfort throughout the entire process. Sister Imperator had previously brought Tanaka into her life and now she was helping her bring her new baby into the world.

Tanaka stood by Sister Imperator's side, encouraging her through the intense pain of childbirth. "Keep pushing Sister. Keep pushing. You can do it!" she whispered softly. "Thank you so much Sister Tanaka," Imperator gasped, her breaths rapid and shallow, "for being here with me through this. You have no idea how much your support means to me."

"I would do anything for you Sister," Tanaka replied, a gentle smile on her lips. "You brought me into this ministry, gave me a new home, and a new family. It's only right that I am here for you now."

Imperator let out a loud cry as another contraction hit her. "Doctor, can you get this baby out of me?!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the delivery room. The medical staff flinched at her outburst, but managed to calm her down. "We're doing everything we can, Ms. Imperator," the doctor reassured her.

Imperator's body shook with pain and frustration. "Well, HURRY THE HELL UP!!!" she howled, her voice cracking. The room fell silent, the only sounds the beeping of the machines and Imperator's ragged breathing.

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