Meeting Aragon

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Aragon was a ghoul whose entire existence was confined within the boundaries of Italy. He had never had the chance to explore and experience the vibrant cultures and exotic wonders of other countries. Unlike Tanaka, who had grown up attending Sunday services and had a strong religious background, Aragon's family had no religious affiliations. Due to being the middle child among four siblings, he often felt ignored and unimportant. With no guidance and support, he fell into bad company and started engaging in criminal activities. Eventually, Aragon became one of the most infamous ghouls in the region, notorious for his reckless behavior and utter disregard for the law, instilling fear in the hearts of many.

On a fateful night, Aragon and his group of friends were enjoying their drinks at the local pub. The sound of clinking glasses and laughter filled the air as they indulged in their merriment. As the rounds of drinks kept flowing, they found themselves getting increasingly drunk and rowdy, their inhibitions loosening with every sip.

In their drunken stupor, they decided to venture into the nearby dark forest, away from the hustle and bustle of society. The rain was pouring down in heavy sheets, pelting violently against their bodies, drenching them to the bone. The ghoulish gang stumbled drunkenly in the rain, their voices hoarse from the merrymaking and their steps unsteady as they made their way into the unknown, surrounded by the eerie silence of the forest.

"Ugh, this rain is so annoying!" Osiris spoke

"YOU'RE so annoying," Aragon replied back

"Yeah, well I hope it ends soon," Osiris spoke back

"I hope YOU end soon." Aragon comments

"Ugh, I'm getting soaked," Osiris replied

"YOU'RE getting soaked. Uh... and you're ugly as well." Aragon remarks

"As always, Aragon, your sense of humor never ceases to amaze me," Osiris smirked

"Was that an insult?!" Aragon asked, offended

"You figure it out." Osiris frowned and grumbled back

"Come on, stop fighting, you drunk idiots. Let's get them out of this rain." Fern said, guiding his friends to continue waking through the aggressive downpour.

The forest was an eerie place, with tall trees looming over them and the occasional rustling of leaves adding to the ominous atmosphere. As they made their way deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon a magnificent cathedral ministry building. The building stood tall and imposing in its unholy glory, with its spires reaching up towards the night sky. The moonlight shone down on the building, casting an otherworldly glow upon the surroundings. Despite the ominous feeling that filled the air, Aragon and his friends couldn't help but feel drawn to the building, and they found themselves approaching it with a sense of curiosity and trepidation.

As the trio pushed open the massive wooden doors of the ministry, they were immediately enveloped in a world of breathtaking beauty. The dazzling sunlight filtered through the towering stained glass windows, casting a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors onto the polished stone floor below.

Aragon's eyes widened in amazement as he took in the grandeur of the nave stretching out before him, lined with towering columns that appeared to soar endlessly towards the heavens. He reached out to touch the cold, rough surface of one of the columns, marveling at the intricate carvings that adorned its surface, each telling a story of faith and devotion.

Beside him, Osiris was drawn to the delicate beauty of the stained glass windows. He wandered towards one of them, his fingers grazing the cool glass as he traced the intricate patterns of colored light that danced across the floor. Each window seemed to narrate an epic story, depicting scenes from the Bible in vivid detail. Alex found himself mesmerized by the beauty of the craftsmanship, awestruck by the skill of the artisans who had crafted such masterpieces centuries ago.

Meanwhile, Fern was captivated by the sense of history that seemed to pervade every corner of the cathedral. He wandered down the aisle, his footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor as he explored the hidden nooks and crannies of the ancient building. In one corner, he discovered a small chapel, its walls adorned with flickering candlelight and ornate statues of saints. James paused to offer a silent prayer, feeling a sense of peace wash over him in the quiet sanctuary.

Together, the trio continued to explore the cathedral, each finding their moments of wonder and reverence in the sacred space. As they wandered, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty and majesty of the Gothic cathedral, a testament to the enduring power of faith and human creativity across the ages.

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